Why do you want to be rich?
Everything is energy and vibration. Money is also energy. The more money you have, the more energy you have.
If you are rich and have a lot of money, you can help others. You can help your family, friends, and other people who need help.
If you don't have much money when someone needs help, there is not much you can do to help them.
Many people think money is evil and rich people are evil. Rich people get rich by robbing others. But they don't know that rich people work hard and earn money, rich people also create a lot of job opportunities for others.
If your energy level is low and your vibration is low, you cannot attract money. If your intention for the money is not good if you want to use the money to manipulate other people or use the money to gain control of others. The money will not stay with you, you might have money for a short period, but if you don't use the money you have to do good things for others, Universe will take the money away from you.
That is why you should always be a good person and help other people. You should always have good intentions about how to use your money in order to keep money with you.
That is just how Universe law works. What you get for what you put out. No one can skip the law.