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19 takes to complete a set of filmming.



Social Critic

9 months ago
My criticisms of Jennifer would be that her eyes are not pretty, her nose is too thick at the tip, she looks like the freckle type, there is nothing appealing about her facial structure. She's just not pretty, and no amount of make-up has ever rectified the situation. I would rate her at about 4.5 out of 10. I would give Delia Sheppard a perfect 10.
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[Wayne Towers]

Wayne Towers

1 year ago
A few years ago, I went into a Costa Coffee in London (visiting the city up from the North East) on a rainy day, it wasn't busy at all, hardly anyone around. There was someone being served in front of me, myself and a lady behind me, I glanced back out of the corner of my eye, recognised her but didn't think anything of it. I thought to myself, 'Huh... looks a bit like Jennifer Connelly.'

As we waited for the guy to be served, she stepped just beside me to take a closer look at the food inside the counter. I got a better look at her and realised it was really her. Without thinking I stammered, 'Oh, hi... Uhmmm... Hi there.'

She looked back with a giggling smile and replied with her bubbly soothing voice, 'Hi there!' Rainy today, huh?' I said, 'Aye, certainly is... You're Jennifer... Connelly, aye?' She said, 'Yes. The same.' I then said, 'Oh, very nice to meet you.' & she said, 'It's very nice to meet you, too, uhmmm?....'

'Wayne, I replied. 'Very nice to meet you, Wayne!' As she offered to shake my hand, which we did. We chatted for a little bit, & when it came for my turn to be served I offered her my place in the queue, but she insisted I go before her as I entered before her.

What's more, I ordered my coffee, a muffin and a couple of cookies. However, I left my bank card in the hotel room & I had something like £1.10 in my wallet. Embarrassed, feeling like the ground just swallowed me up, I explained to the lady serving me that I can't pay because I left my card at the hotel, not enough change, Jennifer stepped in and said, 'Oh don't worry about it, let me order and I'll pay for us both.'

I said, 'No, no, no... Thank you but honestly it's fine, I'll come back later.' After a bit of back and forth she firmly insisted she will pay. I said thank you countless times to her. Chatted a bit more while our orders were being sorted, said our nice to meet yous, thank yous, said bye for now, then we went on our way.

I only wish that particular Costa were letting people sit in, they were working on the ceiling ("health and safety"), she even said earlier, 'Oh we're not allowed to sit in?' But, hey... I'm not complaining.

What an amazing experience, a very kind, honest, bubbly and friendly person. Glad I didn't say, 'Oh my, I've had a major crush on you since the Labyrinth days.' I didn't go that route. Lol. But yes, what an amazing human, humble, honest, down to earth. It made my life.

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