Light and Shadow-5 Infinity

Light and Shadow-5 Infinity



Staring at ME in a mirror
Please answer
How do I reach Infinity
ME’s answer as silent as divinity
Erect another mirror behind your path
Chase life in the bouncing light
Your journey as eternal as in math

The poem "Infinity" explores the concept of reaching infinity through self-reflection and the pursuit of life's eternal essence. The poem consists of four short stanzas, each contributing to the overall theme.
The first stanza sets the tone by introducing the speaker's contemplation of infinity while staring at themselves in a mirror. The emphasis on "ME" suggests a personal journey and quest for answers.
The second stanza reflects the speaker's plea for an answer to the question of how to attain infinity. However, the response they receive is portrayed as silent, equating it to divinity. This silence could imply that the answer lies within oneself or transcends human understanding.
The third stanza introduces a solution: erecting another mirror behind one's path. This metaphorical action represents a continuation of self-reflection and introspection. By looking back and analyzing one's experiences, the speaker suggests that they can find a path towards infinity.
The final stanza compares the pursuit of infinity to a mathematical equation. The bouncing light in the mirrors represents the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness of experiences. Just as mathematical equations can go on infinitely, the speaker suggests that the journey towards infinity is boundless and never-ending.
Overall, the poem suggests that reaching infinity is a personal and ongoing journey. It highlights the importance of self-reflection, the quest for knowledge, and the recognition of life's interconnectedness. The theme of infinity is conveyed through metaphors and imagery, inviting the reader to ponder their own quest for eternity.

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来源: 文学城-颤音
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