The Wind and the Lion/America grizzly bear/Candice Bergen/Sean C

The Wind and the Lion/America grizzly bear/Candice Bergen/Sean C


it's the wind that passes, but the sea remaids. it's God's will to these events, I'm just instrument. 

Q? What was the quote,  in movie "The Wind and the Lion," 1975, of President Theodore Roosevelt. on bear and the spirit of America grizzly bear, fear nothing, courageous, indomitible,  uncounqured, a bear lives life loneliness, and other countries afraid and respect but never love America


5 Massive Bears Larger Than a Grizzly - AZ Animals

accurate to the specific quote from the movie "The Wind and the Lion" (1975) by President Theodore Roosevelt.

The actual quote from the movie is: "The American grizzly is a symbol of the American character: strength, intelligence, ferocity. Maybe a little blind and reckless at times, but courageous beyond all doubt. And one other trait that goes with all previous. Loneliness. The American grizzly lives out his life alone. Indomitable, unconquered - but always alone. He has no real allies, only enemies, but none of them as great as he. You'll find only four animals in the mountains that will even attempt to take him on: a gray wolf, a pack of coyotes, which is no mean adversary, a cougar, which is a pretty tough customer, and the lynx - the lords of the wilderness. And how do you like that little fellow, now that you've met him? Now, if he were a human, you could tax him, enlist him, or draft him, and he'd still be unconquerable. But since he is a grizzly, we must respect him. Oh, yes, we'd all like to have the secret of his invincibility. And some of us think we have."



The Wind and the Lion

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An American is kidnapped by a rebellious Arab chieftain, principally as a means to embarrass the Sultan of Morocco. This abduction sparks the threat of armed intervention by President Theodore Roosevelt. MPAA Rating: PG (c) 1975 A Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved

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Candice BergenJohn HustonSean ConneryBrian Keith


John Milius


Action & adventureDrama

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