Niels Bohr & Aage Bohr: both father and son were Nobel

Niels Bohr & Aage Bohr: both father and son were Nobel

On this day in 1912, Nobel Prize laureate Niels Bohr married Margrethe Nørlund. Their partnership would extend into Bohr's work as he often wrote papers through dictation, which Margrethe would type up for him.

One of their sons, Aage Bohr, would go on to receive a Nobel Prize in Physics, just like his father. Niels received the 1922 physics prize for his model of the structure of the atom, and Aage Bohr was awarded the 1975 physics prize for work on the structure of the atomic nucleus.
Their union was not only personal but also professional, as Margrethe became a valuable collaborator for Niels Bohr. Being a highly educated woman, she transcribed the papers he dictated, allowing him to better concentrate on scientific research.
Niels Bohr is known for his atomic model, called "Bohr's atomic model", which he presented in 1913. This revolutionary model described electrons orbiting the nucleus of the atom in quantized orbits. For this groundbreaking discovery, Niels Bohr was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.
The scientific collaboration between Niels and Margrethe Bohr had a significant influence on their family. Their son, Aage Bohr, followed in his father's footsteps and became an eminent theoretical physicist. Aage was also awarded the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physics, along with Ben Mottelson and James Rainwater, for their work on the structure of the atomic nucleus and for introducing methods of interpreting the structure of nuclear particles.

Hence, the Bohr family has left a remarkable legacy in the history of physics, with two Nobel Prizes in Physics awarded in two successive generations, testifying to the profound influence of their research and dedication in the field of science.
2 Replies on Luigi Napolitano’s comment
Awesome story , it's great moment for this family to receive Nobel Prize @ Son and Father .( Just like Madam Curie Family)
Kudos to such wonderful family and their passion for Science and Research .

Since Late 18 th to early Twentieth century, Europe and Western culture established a HEALTHY SYSTEM of Innovation,Research and PATENTS ECO SYSTEM, this is Totally missing in Asea and South Asea .

2 Replies on Dinesh Shukla’s comment
@DineshShukla (2/2) But as a whole, both the Wests devised great ways for bringing their research to fruition with robust systems.

I just happen to like America more from constitutional standpoint, historical reasons as in even Swami Vivekananda was given a chance to voice his opinion when India wasn't independent and also legally immigrated here and earned citizenship.
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