#9 USA, #66 CN\'GDP per person\' and \'GDP per capita\'

#9 USA, #66 CN\'GDP per person\' and \'GDP per capita\'


gdp per person or GDP per capita? which one is measured by population?

"GDP per person" and "GDP per capita" essentially refer to the same economic indicator, and both are measures of a country's economic output (Gross Domestic Product or GDP) divided by its population.

In other words, both terms express the average income or economic well-being of the individuals within a given country by considering the GDP and dividing it by the population. These terms are often used interchangeably, and the resulting value represents how much economic output or income is theoretically available for each person in the country if it were evenly distributed.

So, whether you refer to it as "GDP per person" or "GDP per capita," it measures the same concept and is influenced by the population size of the country.

To find the most up-to-date information on GDP per capita rankings for 2023 or total GDP by country, I recommend visiting reliable sources such as:

The World Bank: They provide comprehensive data on GDP per capita and total GDP for countries around the world.

International Monetary Fund (IMF): The IMF also offers economic data and rankings.

CIA World Factbook: The CIA World Factbook provides economic information for countries, including GDP and GDP per capita.

Government websites: Many countries have their own government websites that publish economic data and reports.

Financial news outlets: Websites like Bloomberg, Reuters, and The Economist often provide updated rankings and economic data.


Richest countries in the world by GDP per capita in 2023

Biggest economies

Are you interested in knowing which countries have the strongest economies? Our article provides a list of the wealthiest countries based on their GDP per capita ranking for the year 2023. GDP per capita is a significant economic measure that offers an understanding of the average income and living standards of a country’s citizens.

Monaco has the highest GDP per capita at $234,316, followed by Luxembourg at $133,590 and Bermuda at $114,090. These countries consistently rank among the top in terms of GDP per capita, reflecting their strong economies and high-income levels.

On the other end of the spectrum, the countries with the lowest GDP per capita include Afghanistan at $368.75, Burundi at $221.48, and Mozambique at $491.84.

The ten countries with the highest GDP per capita are Monaco, Luxembourg, Bermuda, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, the Cayman Islands, Singapore, the United States, and the Faroe Islands.

Richest countries in the world by GDP per capita in 2023

It’s important to understand that GDP per capita is not the only measure of a country’s economic and societal well-being. Factors such as income inequality, wealth distribution, and quality of public services also play a significant role in determining a nation’s overall economic conditions and living standards.

CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Stats Gate - Richest countries in the world by GDP per capita in 2023


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