the White House household Whites & Blacks, family business

the White House household Whites & Blacks, family business


TJKCB Notes: 

the White House household Whites & Blacks, family business. How do you know? Read on: "based on the 1961 book My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House by Lillian Rogers Parks." Her insights into the personal and professional lives of the individuals involved in the White House.

1/  Household stuff as both Whites and Blacks live together long before anybody else did.  "Backstairs at the White House is a 1979 NBC television miniseries based on the 1961 book My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House by Lillian Rogers Parks . The series tells the story of behind-the-scenes workings of the White House and the relationship between the staff and the First Families." [The excerpt emphasizes the historical integration of Black individuals into the inner workings of the White House, underscoring their close involvement with the governing power. ]

Thus, the blacks were in the center of governing power! So sweet! So gracious! So kind! so humble. How gentle soul.

The series portrays the behind-the-scenes workings of the White House and the relationships between the staff and the First Families.

2/.  This was a terrific series. After the real life Lillian Rogers Parks wrote her book, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy had all servants sign non disclosure agreements which is a custom still in force today. [It also mentions the significance of non-disclosure agreements that were implemented by First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy following the publication of Parks' book. ]

3/ 1961, $20/month for the second maid, Maggie Rogers. "I thought it is higher than that." "You're entitled to government uniforms, free laundry, housing, meals, etc., loaded by the US dept. of Treasure." [it provides some insights into the compensation and benefits provided to the staff members at the time, including government uniforms, free laundry, housing, and meals.]

4/ @46:28, Sweet Jesus, $5 you got! 

5/ "Mark my words, one day, there will be a woman president" (Lee Grant as Grace Coolidge)

Backstairs At The White House: Part 1
69,741 views Apr 26, 2023
Backstairs at the White House is a 1979 NBC television miniseries based on the 1961 book My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House by Lillian Rogers Parks . The series tells the story of behind-the-scenes workings of the White House and the relationship between the staff and the First Families. This mini-series was nominated for 11 Emmy Awards. Principal


Olivia Cole as Maggie Rogers

Leslie Uggams as Lillian Rogers Parks

Paul Winfield as Emmett Rogers Sr.

Kevin Hooks as Emmett Rogers Jr.

Harrison Page as Wheatley Parks

Presidents and First Ladies: Victor Buono as William Howard Taft

Julie Harris as Helen (Nellie) Taft

Robert Vaughn as Woodrow Wilson

Kim Hunter as Ellen Axson Wilson

Claire Bloom as Edith Bolling Galt Wilson

George Kennedy as Warren G. Harding

Celeste Holm as Florence Harding

Ed Flanders as Calvin Coolidge

Lee Grant as Grace Coolidge

Larry Gates as Herbert Hoover

Jan Sterling as Lou Hoover

John Anderson as Franklin D. Roosevelt

Eileen Heckart as Eleanor Roosevelt

Harry Morgan as Harry S. Truman

Estelle Parsons as Bess Truman

Andrew Duggan as Dwight D. Eisenhower

Barbara Barrie as Mamie Eisenhower

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