两个星期以前定了茅台gel。第一次用了一个叫做feed的网站,然后就收到confirmation说送出来了,四天到,我心说还挺快的,周末long run就能用到了。
收到以后打开一看,一堆sis gel,还有什么cliff bar之类的,看来也是一个endurance athelte的order。
我用了这么多年gel,这是第一次收到wrong order。对这个网站的印象一泻千里啊。
然后第二天就收到email,发了一个return label给我,让我把这个寄回去,说我的gel已经在路上了。我就让老迈去寄了。
然后他们的founder(当然真的假的也不知道)还给我发了一个email follow up。还解释了为啥那个order会发错。
Thank you for getting back to me. We totally understand the frustration and honesty. Our team has addressed this issue, and we found that one of our printers created a duplicate shipping label from a previous order causing this order to ship to the wrong address. I just checked the tracking and the replacement order is expected to arrive tomorrow! I can't wait for you to get your package! All the best.