WW2: shoot first, or no chance at all

WW2: shoot first, or no chance at all


Roots. The Thorn Birds. V. The Winds of War. The North and the South. From Here to Eternity. The Day After. Masada. "War and Remembrance

Our children and even great-grandchildren should always be told of the horrors of war.
Back home, here in the US, the unsung heroes were making the machinery that helped win the war. My own mom worked throughout the war riveting airplane wings at the Western Electric plant on Broening Highway in Baltimore. Right next door was Bendix, who supplied the radios, and just past that was Dundalk Field, where the planes took off to fly toward the war. These plants were requisitioned for the war effort to help produce the armaments and other vital supplies needed overseas. Wonder if any of this would be possible today. It wasn't just those on the front lines who were tough. These people came out of a depression and built military supplies, then rebuilt America.
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PBS Has now "World on Fire" and "Atlantic Crossing" very recommendable to see different angles of the war. This finding of Winds of War is priceless! I was very young when I first saw parts of it and I enjoyed binge-watching it!
50:53 So fortunate to have had a moment like this in my life 44 years ago,
Excelente série de filmes
As an old guy i love a plot where the old guy gets a nice piece on the side.
One of the best early lines heard is: They’re only killing Germans because they don’t want to be killed by Germans; that’s the only reason why they’re killing Germans! ». How bloody true, and they wanted and expected all the material assistance they could get from the USA and Britain, but who did THEY help before they were aggressed—Britain or Germany? Why the latter of course beginning with their escorting, to the immense satisfaction of the Germans, the Nazi Raider Komet all the way from the Baltic Sea across the north of Siberia via the North East Passage to the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean where, before the Japanese had done their filthy work in December ‘41 it (the Nazi Raider) would fly bullshit pseudo-neutral flags to deceive British, Dutch, Australian, and New Zealand merchant shipping. It was finally brought to an end, but alas, not before sinking many Allied ships.
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I first read THE WINDS OF WAR when it was published in the early 70’s and watched the TV mini-series when it was first broadcasted. Given the fact it was 40+ years ago, my recollection of the novel and TV mini-series was scant so I recently re-watched the entire TV mini-series. Like others who have commented, I thought Ali MacGraw was a poor actress who overacted her role as “Natalie Jastrow.” Now that I’ve finished re-reading the novel - THE WINDS OF WAR, I have to withdraw my criticism of Ali MacGraw. She played the role of “Natalie Jastrow” just as it was written in the novel. Although Jane Seymour is a better actress, I have a hard time imagining her in the role of “Natalie Jastrow” in THE WINDS OF WAR. Jane Seymour just isn’t bitchy enough.
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It was great to see Warren. I hated that they did not give him much airtime. What they did to his wife in the sequel as equally awful.
The WInds Of War wasn't as lousy mini series the critics back then panned it to be. Dan Curtis wanted to advance his directing talents at making a television project about what triggered off one of history's most catastrophic global conflicts. I have to give Mr. Curtis credit. He enjoyed telling stories for television. He was a master at scaring viewers with his horror projects. But for change of film making, I appreciate his work at giving a drama about WW2 some televised exposure.


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