On Politics

On Politics


On Politics

is it two sides of the same coin?
peace maker and war maker
life saver and life killer
problem solver and troublemaker

who invented it?
people or politicians

who uses it?
some use it, some being used
politics, like a country machine
people, the parts
politicians, the engineers

who loves it?
politics, a pet for politicians
people, the pet's toys

politics never dies
as longs as humans exist

Comments from Allpoetry:
Nunoftferreira - Agreeable read of creative lines you have composed and shared here.... Well done work

RamachandranRajasekhar - Politics is not a beautiful thing to discuss about. Politicians are interested in power and would not want to lose it. I liked the way narrative is spiced with humour. A deep subject, especially in the contemporary context. Good post

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来源: 文学城-CBA7
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