法律翻译 | ICSID发布最新年度案件统计:根据《ICSID公约》和《附加便利规则》共登记888个案件

法律翻译 | ICSID发布最新年度案件统计:根据《ICSID公约》和《附加便利规则》共登记888个案件


译者 | 宇晴 湖南大学 LL.B.

一审 | 张庆 复旦大学法硕

二审 | LYJ NUS LL.M.

编辑 | 吴萌 上海外国语大学硕士

         于杰 上海对外经贸大学本科

责编 | 李薇 浙江工商大学本科

ICSID Releases New Caseload Statistics for the 2022 Fiscal Year


August 04, 2022


The latest edition of ICSID’s biannual caseload statistics report examines case-related trends over the 2022 fiscal year, as well as for all ICSID cases going back to 1972.


ICSID registered 50 new cases in FY2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) under its procedural rules for resolving international investment disputes. Arbitrations under the ICSID Convention accounted for the largest share of new cases (48 cases), followed by arbitrations applying the ICSID Additional Facility Rules (two cases).

ICSID在2022财政年度(从2021年7月1日算起,到2022年6月30日结束)根据其解决国际投资争端的程序规则登记了50个新案件。新案件中所占比例最大的是根据《ICSID公约》(ICSID Convention)进行的仲裁(48个),其次是适用《ICSID附加便利规则》(ICSID Additional Facility Rules)的仲裁(2个)。

As of June 30, 2022, ICSID had registered a total of 888 cases under the ICSID Convention and Additional Facility Rules since the first case was registered in 1972.


An additional 18 cases were administered under other procedural rules. The majority of these cases (13) applied the arbitration rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).


Basis of Consent


The majority of newly registered cases in FY2022 (56%) asserted ICSID jurisdiction on the basis of a bilateral investment treaty—which is in line with the historical average of 60%. Notably, ICSID saw an uptick in cases based on contracts between an investor and host-State over recent years (13%), followed closely by cases brought on the basis of the Energy Charter Treaty (11%).


In addition, a wide variety of bilateral and regional trade and investment agreements were invoked, including:


· The North American Free Trade Agreement and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (4% each)

· 《北美自由贸易协定》和《美国-墨西哥-加拿大协定》(各4%)

· The United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement and the United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (3% each)

· 《美国-秘鲁贸易促进协定》和《美国-巴拿马贸易促进协定》(各3%)

· The Colombia and El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras Free Trade Agreement; Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement; Central America-Panama Free Trade Agreement; and the ASEAN-China Investment Agreement each accounted for 2% of the cases registered in FY2022.

· 《哥伦比亚和萨尔瓦多、危地马拉和洪都拉斯自由贸易协定》、《多米尼加共和国-中美洲自由贸易协定》、《中美洲-巴拿马自由贸易协定》和《东盟-中国投资协定》各占2022财政年度登记案例的2%。

A further 4% of cases were brought on the basis of domestic investment laws.



Regional Distribution


As in previous years, countries from all regions of the world were represented amongst new cases. The largest share in FY2022 involved States in South America (22%) and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (20%). States in the Middle East and North Africa, Central America and the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa each accounted for 12% of new cases, the South and East Asia/Pacific and Western Europe regions each accounted for 8%, and North America for 6%.



Economic Sectors


The economic sectors involved in ICSID proceedings are also diverse. Historically, the extractives and energy sectors have accounted for the largest share of cases, and this trend continued in FY2022. Twenty-four percent of new cases involved electric power and other energy sources, and 22% related to the oil, gas and mining industry.


Also prominent was the construction sector, which accounted for 12% of disputes, followed by information and communications at 10%, and water, sanitation and flood protection at 8%.  The finance and transport sectors were involved in 6% of cases each, and tourism in 4%. A mix of other industries accounted for the remaining 8% of cases registered in FY2022.



Case Outcomes


The outcome of cases at ICSID has been consistently balanced between States and investors—and FY2022 was no different. Among cases decided by tribunals, 48% of awards upheld the investors’ claims in part or in full, 28% of awards rejected all of the investors’ claims on the merits, and 21% of awards declined jurisdiction. Three percent of cases were dismissed for manifest lack of legal merit.



Gender Balance


Women accounted for 24% of all appointments to ICSID cases in FY2022, compared to 31% in FY2021 and 14% in FY2020.


Amongst the appointments made by ICSID—as opposed to appointments by the parties or co-arbitrators—45% were women and 55% were men.


For further information, see the ICSID Caseload – Statistics (Issue 2022 – 2).



About The ICSID Caseload - Statistics


The ICSID Caseload - Statistics contains a profile of the ICSID caseload since the first case was registered in 1972. ICSID has hosted the majority of all known international investment cases and The ICSID Caseload - Statistics is a valuable empirical reference about trends in international investment dispute settlement generally. It profiles various aspects of international investment cases, including the number of cases, the basis of consent invoked by claimants, geographic and economic sector distribution of cases, outcomes of proceedings, and the nationality of arbitrators and conciliators. The ICSID Caseload - Statistics is available in English, French and Spanish, and updated every 6 months.

《ICSID案件量--统计数据》(The ICSID Caseload - Statistics )包含了自1972年第一个案件登记以来ICSID案件量的概况。ICSID主办了大部分的所有已知的国际投资案件,《ICSID案件量-统计数据》是关于国际投资争端解决趋势的宝贵经验参考。它介绍了国际投资案件的各个方面,包括案件数量、索赔人援引的同意依据、案件的地理和经济部门分布、诉讼结果以及仲裁员和调解员的国籍。《 ICSID案件数量--统计》有英语、法语和西班牙语版本,每6个月更新一次。



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