法律翻译 | 处于迷宫层叠:联合国税收公约能否改变游戏规则?

法律翻译 | 处于迷宫层叠:联合国税收公约能否改变游戏规则?


译者 | 高翊菲 华东政法大学LL.B.

一审 | Cindy Wong University of Leeds LL.B.

二审 | 陈飞越 爱丁堡大学 LL.M.

编辑 | 罗彤 西北政法大学

         李建云 中国政法大学

责编 | 扎恩哈尔·阿黑哈提 新疆农业大学

Of Mazes and Layers: Can a UN Convention on Tax Change the Rules of the Game?


Written by Luiza Leite de Queiroz


Nov 10, 2022


The Maze


Last month, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly’s Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee) tabled a draft resolution calling for the elaboration of a UN convention on international tax cooperation. Lauded by civil society as “a chance of legitimate, inclusive rule-setting” the initiative is yet to be remarked on, or acknowledged by, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Silence from the historical custodian of the international tax system[1] tells us very little about whether civil society’s optimism is warranted or not. However, a closer look at the OECD’s actions in the last ten years provides a good yardstick against which to measure the extent of its willingness (or lack thereof) to cede, or even just share, the international tax spotlight.


This post explores how the complexity of the reform efforts undertaken by the OECD in this area is likely to be used as an argument to prevent reform at the UN level, despite the significant problems that OECD led reforms pose for developing countries.


The G20/OECD Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project[2] launched  in 2013 marked the onset of a new paradigm in international taxation. From a narrow focus on avoidance of double taxation to an earnest recognition of the perils of double non-taxation, the OECD has made substantive strides to reform problematic features of the international tax  regime. However, the complexity of those reform efforts have also meant that initial aspirations of streamlining the regime now seem utterly misguided and unfilled. That complexity is reflected in the fifteen BEPS Actions[3], one Multilateral Instrument (MLI)[4], one Inclusive Framework, a Two-Pillar Solution (with new Model GloBE Rules[5]) and a plethora  of commentary.


These reforms mean that the international tax regime has become a maze which is not tailored for practical implementation by governments grappling with resource constraints. The departing point of thousands of bilateral agreements in place pre-BEPS is now compounded by a myriad of potential legal outcomes that arise from the agreements’ interaction with the MLI and its astonishing amount of allowed reservations. As if a matrix[6] of possibilities per each pair of countries was not enough to signal the regime’s convolutedness, further layers of rules, definitions and obligations have been devised in the last few years. So far, at least three additional multilateral instruments are anticipated to be included in the existing web of norms.



The post-BEPS international tax architecture can claim many wins, including its ability to convey the highly desirable message that corporate taxpayers must contribute their fair share to societies around the world. Arguably, though, the most significant victory relates to its power to discourage complete departures from the status quo such as that envisioned by the UN with the proposed new convention.


The Game


Former US president Harry S. Truman is famously credited with the quote “if you can’t convince them, confuse them” while referring to a commonly employed tactic by his political opponents when attempting to win votes. As opposition can only be born out of understanding and subsequent disagreement, confusion can really work wonders in preventing dissent.

美国前总统哈里·S·杜鲁门(Harry S. Truman)有一句著名的名言:"如果你不能说服他们,那就迷惑他们",其指的是他的政治对手在试图赢得选票时通常采用的策略。由于反对意见只能在理解和理解后的分歧中产生,迷惑在防止异议方面确实有奇效。

In view of the 2008 financial crisis, and successive document leaks[7] confirming the sheer scale of corporate tax abuse, inertia ceased to be an option for the OECD over a decade ago. That the institution could not remain aloof to criticism did not mean, however, that it would, or has taken all opprobrium equally into consideration. The Secretariat has evidently spent some time reflecting on which aspects of the international tax structure are so foundational that they must be insulated from change, and which ones can be tweaked or done away with without eliciting much chagrin. So long as continuously enacted rules can broadly be seen as taking us all in the right direction, competing initiatives can successfully be precluded on the basis that work is still in progress.


The problem with such discourse is that it implies homogeneity of voices[8] and, worse, uniformity in criticism, which is decidedly not the case in the landscape of international taxation. Developing countries have long denounced the OECD’s lack of representational authority, as well as the non-inclusive and opaque nature of its procedures, even in the BEPS Inclusive Framework era. Preliminary analyses of the Two-Pillar Solution, for instance, have emphasised that the initiative accords limited to no gains to developing countries.[9] In this scenario, UN efforts – not in the least its Model Conventions, and the work done by the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters[10] – have been instrumental in drawing attention to the challenges faced by developing countries when confronted with the international tax regime’s overbearing complexity.[11]

Harry S. Truman的这一言论的问题在于其揭示了意见[8]甚至是批评的同一性。而在国际税收领域,情况显然不是这样的。发展中国家长期以来一直谴责OECD缺乏代表性权威,并谴责其程序的非包容性和不透明性,即使在BEPS全面框架时代也是如此。例如,对“双支柱解决方案”的初步分析强调,该份倡议给发展中国家带来的收益有限甚至没有。[9] 在这种情况下,联合国的努力——尤其是其示范公约和国际税务合作专家委员会所做的工作[10] ——有助于让人们注意到发展中国家在面对国际税收制度过度复杂时所面临的挑战。[11]


Yet, as noted before, the post-BEPS world spearheaded by the Inclusive Framework conspicuously embraces layers upon layers of unconsolidated guidance. Ironically, both the UN and the OECD have relentlessly spoken of the need to build the capacity of tax officials in developing countries. Sadly, no amount of capacity-building shall ever be enough under the current paradigm. Governments that cannot afford to maintain a dedicated branch to matters pertaining to international taxation and that do not participate in rulemaking and deciding on equal footing will simply have to undergo perennial training almost by default. A cycle of dependence is then established whereby complex rules are drafted despite arguments to the contrary, more capacity-building is required as a consequence and meaningful participation in subsequent rulemaking is ever forestalled.


The Way Out


Conceiving complexity as a strategy rather than an intrinsic quality of international taxation allows for a few tentative conclusions about the OECD’s willingness to be side-lined by a UN convention. If and when its engagement is formally requested, the organisation will likely make three fair points while negating the need for a new multilateral initiative. First, that its Secretariat has extensive expertise on the subject and is already knee-deep in initiatives on tax cooperation as it is. Secondly, that irrespective of its tangled nature, the BEPS/post-BEPS agenda undeniably represents the culmination of a lot of work, both technical and political. It would therefore be manifestly reckless to see all this hard work go to waste simply in the name of a UN-led scheme instead. Thirdly, that, if anything, an additional framework and forum will only complicate matters further.


So, are we then to believe that enthusiasm surrounding a UN convention on international tax cooperation is misplaced? Not quite. For one, the OECD itself naturally does not get a say on whether a UN convention is enacted or not. But, more fundamentally, OECD member states have very little power, if any, to prevent the adoption of a new UN instrument. While the OECD is largely tethered to consensus decision-making[12], the UN General Assembly can ultimately adopt resolutions by a vote through a simple majority[13] if consensus cannot be reached. This would perhaps suggest that a UN convention could still see the light of day even in the absence of OECD member states’ support. But, without their support, would the outcome still be practically relevant? It depends.



Mundane as it may sound, the only true antidote against complexity is simplicity. As we presently stand, the aim and scope of the convention are yet to be determined. If the UN chooses to overlap efforts and re-write parts of existing norms to completely shift the centre of gravity of international taxation, the OECD will be perfectly vindicated in its (likely) claims. If, however, the UN uses the convention to strategically assert itself as the rightful birthplace of a new permanent inter-state dispute resolution mechanism, an important power transfer can still take place without the political fatigue that comes with direct confrontation. Unlike the UN, the OECD cannot properly claim to have adjudication expertise, and defending the integrity of current mechanisms on the basis of their adherence is hardly admissible. But what is more, the prerogative to design a fresh adjudication system must be taken for what it can offer: a real chance at changing the configuration of the maze and the dynamic of the game.



[1] 国际税收,是指对在两个或两个以上国家之间开展跨境交易行为征税的一系列税收。

[2] 税基侵蚀和利润转移(Base Erosion and Profit Shifting,以下简称“BEPS”)是指跨国企业利用国际税收规则存在的不足,以及各国税制差异和征管漏洞,人为将利润转移至仅有少量或没有经济活动的免税或低税地区,导致少缴或者总体上不缴纳公司税的税收筹划安排,造成对各国税基的侵蚀。BEPS项目是二十国集团(G20)领导人在2013年圣彼得堡峰会委托经济合作与发展组织(OECD)启动实施的国际税收改革项目,旨在修改国际税收规则、遏制跨国企业规避全球纳税义务、侵蚀各国税基的行为。BEPS项目成果包括所有15项行动计划报告和一份解释性声明。BEPS项目由34个OECD成员国、8个非OECD的G20成员国和19个其他发展中国家共计61个国家共同参与。其一揽子国际税改项目主要包括三个方面的内容:一是保持跨境交易相关国内法规的协调一致;二是突出强调实质经营活动并提高税收透明度;三是提高税收确定性。

[3] 参见

[4] 参见

[5] 参见

[6] 参见

[7] 参见

[8] 参见

[9] 参见

[10] 参见

[11] 参见

[12] 参见

[13] 参见



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