法律翻译 | 英格兰及威尔士地区信托法中的“意思确定”

法律翻译 | 英格兰及威尔士地区信托法中的“意思确定”


译者 | 吴礼奇 GULC LL.M.

一审 | LYJ  NUS LL.M.

二审 | 曾梓栩 外交学院 法本

编辑 | 王冰子 烟台大学 法本

         于杰 上海对外经贸大学本科

责编 | 戚琳颖 大连海事大学本科

Certainty of Intention in the jurisdiction of England and Wales


Foundation case:Knight v Knight (1840) 49 ER 58


01 事实

02 译者总结

03 Langdale法官的判决

04 该原则在今日的适用

05 问题(Re Kayford Ltd [1975] 1 WLR 279)

06 判决(Re Kayford Ltd [1975] 1 WLR 279)


Richard I Knight made a settlement:

“I trust to the liberality of my successors to reward any others of my old servants and tenants according to their deserts, and to their justice in continuing the estates in the male succession, according to the will of the founder of the family, my above-named grandfather.”


Richard I Knight 做出了如下安排:



本案的法律问题为Richard I Knight 的安排是否足以证明他有意愿为遗产创设信托。


Lord Langdale MR’s Judgment:

As a general rule, it has been laid down, that when property is given absolutely to any person, and the same person is, by the giver who has power to command, recommended, or entreated, or wished, to dispose of that property in favour of another, the recommendation, entreaty, or wish shall be held to create a trust. First, if the words are so used, that upon the whole, they ought to be construed as imperative; Secondly, if the subject of the recommendation or wish be certain; and, Thirdly, if the objects or persons intended to have the benefit of the recommendation or wish be also certain.



On the other hand, if the giver accompanies his expression of wish, or request by other words, from which it is to be collected, that he did not intend the wish to be imperative: or if it appears from the context that the first taker was intended to have a discretionary power to withdraw any part of the subject from the object of the wish or request: or if the objects are not such as may be ascertained with sufficient certainty, it has been held that no trust is created.


...and in such cases, we are told (2 Ves. jun. 632, 633) that the question “never turns upon the grammatical import of words—they may be imperative, but not necessarily so; the subject-matter, the situation of the parties, and the probable intent must be considered.” And (10 Ves. 536) “wherever the subject, to be administered as trust property, and the objects, for whose benefit it is to be administered, are to be found in a will, not expressly creating a trust, the indefinite nature and quantum of the subject, and the indefinite nature of the objects, are always used by the Court as evidence, that the mind of the testator was not to create a trust; and the difficulty, that would be imposed upon the Court to say what should be so applied, or to what objects, has been the foundation of the argument, that no trust was intended;” or, as Lord Eldon expresses it in another case (Turn. & Russ. 159), “Where a trust is to be raised characterized by certainty, the very difficult of doing it is an argument which goes, to a certain extent, towards inducing the Court to say, it is not sufficiently clear what the testator intended.”

在这种情况下,我们知道问题“永远不是由字词在语法上的重要性所决定的——他们可以是命令性的,但是这不是必须的;希望创设信托的财产范围、当事人双方的情况以及财产原所有人可能的意愿都应当被考虑(2 Ves. jun. 632, 633) 。” 同时,“在一个没有明确指示创设信托的遗嘱中,无论在该遗嘱何处有对信托财产的范围或是信托受益人范围进行指示,法院经常以财产的范围和数量无法确定或是信托受益人无法确定为理由认为立遗嘱人没有意愿创设信托;该理论给法院造成的困难在于,法院需要指出之处在于何种(法律)应当在该情况下适用,或者,做出立遗嘱人无意愿创立信托的判决的目的是什么 (10 Ves. 536);”或者,如Eldon法官 在另一个案件(Turn. & Russ. 159)中指出的那样,“当信托设立的特征被公认为“确定性”时,这样做的困难基于一个论点:从某种程度上,他诱导包括法院认定立遗嘱人的意思不够清晰。”


It is a common observation in all such cases, that the testator might, if he had intended it, have created an express trust; but the authorities shew that if there be sufficient certainty, and nothing in the context of the will to oppose the conclusion, the trust may and must be implied; and the question is, whether there is a trust by implication.


I think, therefore, that there is great reason to doubt the intention to create an imperative trust: and looking to the subject to which his wishes were directed—observing the absolute gift of all his estates, real and personal, with certain exceptions; and that, in the last clause, he has not used the words “my said estate,” or any words clearly and certainly indicating all that he had given to those whom he has called his successors, but had simply used the words, “the estates,” leaving it be matter of by no means easy construction, whether he intended under that expression to include the personal estate as well as the real; and it not being certain, having regard to the subsequent reference to the will of his grandfather, whether he meant to include more than the estates of his grandfather, to which he had himself succeeded; and observing that some part of the personal estate, at least, was subjected to the liberality of his successors, I think that there is reason to doubt whether the subject is sufficiently certain for a trust of this nature.


Application Nowadays: 

Re Kayford Ltd (in liquidation) [1975] 1 WLR 279


Re Kayford Ltd (in liquidation) [1975] 1 WLR 279



The question for me is whether the money in the bank account (apart from the dormant amount of £47.80 and interest on it) is held on trust for those who paid it, or whether it forms part of the general assets of the company. 




There is no doubt about the so-called “three certainties” of a trust. The subject-matter to be held on trust is clear, and so are the beneficial interests therein, as well as the beneficiaries. As for the requisite certainty of words, it is well settled that a trust can be created without using the words “trust” or “confidence” or the like: the question is whether in substance a sufficient intention to create a trust has been manifested.



In In re Nanwa Gold Mines Ltd [1955] 1 W.L.R. 1080 the money was sent on the faith of a promise to keep it in a separate account, but there is nothing in that case or in any other authority that I know of to suggest that this is essential. I feel no doubt that here a trust was created. From the outset the advice (which was accepted) was to establish a trust account at the bank. The whole purpose of what was done was to ensure that the moneys remained in the beneficial ownership of those who sent them, and a trust is the obvious means of achieving this. No doubt the general rule is that if you send money to a company for goods which are not delivered, you are merely a creditor of the company unless a trust has been created. The sender may create a trust by using appropriate words when he sends the money (though I wonder how many do this, even if they are equity lawyers), or the company may do it by taking suitable steps on or before receiving the money. 

在In re Nanwa Gold Mines Ltd [1955] 1 W.L.R. 1080中,(当事人)基于对资金将会被保管在一个单独的账户中的承诺,将资金转入,但是就我所知,在该案或其他权威性的案件中没有观点认为这是必须的。我认为,毫无疑问,信托已被创设。最开始的建议(已被接受)是在银行中设立一个信托账户。该资金转移的全部目的是确保资金依旧属于将资金转入该账户的人,信托明显是一个完成此目的的方式。毫无疑问,一般的规则是,如果你为未交付的货物将资金转入一公司的账户,除非创设信托,你仅是公司的债权人。向账户转移资金的人在转移资金时可以通过适当的文字创设信托(虽然我怀疑有多少人会这样做,即使是衡平法领域的律师也不太可能如此做),或者,公司可以通过在收到资金时或之前通过适当的步骤创设信托。


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