法律翻译 | 纽约州医院患者的权利

法律翻译 | 纽约州医院患者的权利


译者 | Evelyn 清华大学LL.B.

一审 | 董辰 中国政法大学硕士

二审 | 程子珊,USC LL.M.

编辑 | 王冰子 烟台大学本科

         于杰 上海对外经贸大学本科

责编 | 戚琳颖 大连海事大学本科


本文是关于纽约州的患者权利的相关法案,纽约州政府与美国联邦政府要求New York State医院应确保所有患者,包括住院患者、门诊患者和急诊患者,均享有本节(b)小节规定的权利;所有患者,在入院时必须了解相关信息并获得相关资料。New York State Department of Health编制了《您作为New York State医院患者的权利》手册(,帮助患者了解其权利。在Department of Health的网站(上也有关于“New York State医院患者的权利”的相关说明,这些文件按照该法案要求提供了包括中文版在内的多种语言版本,为需要语言协助的患者提供了便利。

New York State Public Health Law, Section 405.7 - Patients' rights



Section 405.7 – 患者的权利


Public Health Law, Section 2803

VOLUME C (Title 10)

405.7 Patients' rights. The hospital shall ensure that all patients including inpatients, outpatients and emergency service patients, are afforded their rights as set forth in subdivision (b) of this section. The hospital's responsibility for assuring patients' rights includes both providing patients with a copy of these rights as set forth in subdivision (c) of this section and providing assistance to patients to understand and exercise these rights. Each general hospital patient who has been removed but not discharged from a hospital for the mentally ill operated or licensed under the Mental Hygiene Law shall maintain his or her status and rights as a patient pursuant to article 9 of the State Mental Hygiene Law and 14 NYCRR part 527 (Rights of Patients).

405.7 患者的权利。医院应确保所有患者,包括住院患者、门诊患者和急诊患者,均享有本节(b)小节规定的权利。医院确保患者权利的责任包括向患者提供本节(c)小节规定的权利的副本以及为患者理解和行使这些权利提供帮助。根据《州精神卫生法》第 9 条和《纽约精神卫生法》14篇 第 527 部分(患者权利)的规定,已从根据《精神卫生法》运营或获得许可的精神病医院转出但未出院的每位综合医院患者应保持其作为患者的身份和权利。

(a) Procedural requirements. In order to assure that patients are made aware of, understand and can exercise their rights, the hospital shall meet the following requirements:

(a) 程序要求。为确保患者知晓、理解并能行使自己的权利,医院应满足以下要求:

(1) each patient or the patient representative shall be given a copy of their rights as set forth in subdivision (c) of this section at the time of admission;

(1) 每位患者或患者的代理人在入院时应获得一份本节(c)小节规定的患者权利的副本;

(2) for outpatients and emergency service patients, copies of these rights shall be provided to each patient or his/her representative;

(2) 对于门诊患者和急诊患者,应向每位患者或其代理人提供这些权利的副本;

(3) a copy of these rights shall also be posted in clearly viewed areas of the hospital, at readable heights, including the admitting office, patient floors and outpatient department and the emergency service waiting areas;

(3) 这些患者权利的副本也应张贴在医院内清晰可见的区域,包括入院办公室、住院楼层、门诊部和急诊服务等候区,且其高度应在可读范围内;

(4) inservice training shall be provided to all patient care staff to assure their knowledge and understanding of patients' rights requirements;

(4) 应向所有患者护理人员提供在职培训,以确保他们知晓并理解患者权利要求;

(5) the hospital shall communicate effectively to each inpatient or patient representative after admission an explanation of those rights and provide information on how these rights can be exercised. Patients shall be offered a choice at admission to have or to decline an in-person explanation of these rights. The hospital shall maintain documentation of such communication;

(5) 入院后,医院应向每位住院患者或患者代理人有效解释相关权利,并提供行使相关权利的方式的信息。患者在入院时,可选择接受或拒绝当面听取这些权利的当面解释。医院应保留此类沟通的文件记录;


(6) the hospital shall make available designated staff to answer questions regarding patients' rights for outpatients and emergency service patients. Patients shall be notified of the availability of these services; and

(6) 医院应为门诊患者和急诊患者安排专人回答有关患者权利的问题。应通知患者可获得这些服务;以及

(7) the hospital shall develop a Language Assistance Program to ensure meaningful access to the hospital’s services and reasonable accommodation for all patients who require language assistance. Program requirements shall include:

(7) 医院应制定一项语言协助计划,以确保所有需要语言协助的患者能够切实获得医院的服务和合理的便利条件。计划要求应包括:

(i) the designation of a Language Assistance Coordinator who shall report to the hospital administration and who shall provide oversight for the provision of language assistance services;

(i) 指定一名语言协助协调员,隶属于医院管理部门,负责监督语言协助服务的提供;

(ii) policies and procedures that assure timely identification and ongoing access for patients in need of language assistance services;

(ii) 确保及时发现需要语言协助服务的患者并持续为其提供服务的政策和程序;

(iii) the development of materials that will be made available for patients and potential patients that summarize the process and method to access free language assistance services;

(iii) 编制供患者和潜在患者使用的材料,概述获得免费语言协助服务的流程和方法;

(iv) ongoing education and training for administrative, clinical and other employees with direct patient care contact regarding the importance of culturally and linguistically competent service delivery and how to access the hospital’s language assistance services on behalf of patients;

(iv) 对行政、临床和其他直接接触患者的员工进行持续的教育和培训,使其认识到提供文化和语言沟通的便利服务的重要性,以及如何帮助患者获得医院的语言协助服务;

(v) signage, as designated by the Department of Health, regarding the availability of free language assistance services in public entry locations and other public locations;

(v) 在公共入口处和其他公共场所设置卫生署指定的关于提供免费语言协助服务的标志;

(vi) identification of language of preference and language needs of each patient upon initial visit to the hospital;

(vi) 确定每位患者首次到医院就诊时的语言偏好和语言需求;

(vii) documentation in the medical record of the patient’s language of preference, language needs, and the acceptance or refusal of language assistance services;

(vii) 在病历中记录患者的语言偏好、语言需求以及接受或拒绝语言协助服务的情况;

(viii) a provision that family members, friends, or non-hospital personnel may not act as interpreters, unless:

(viii) 规定家庭成员、朋友或非医院人员不得担任口译员,除非:

(a) the patient agrees to their use;

(a) 患者同意使用;

(b) free interpreter services have been offered by the hospital and refused; and

(b) 医院提供了免费口译服务,但遭到拒绝;以及

(c) issues of age, competency, confidentiality, or conflicts of interest are taken into account. Any individual acting as an interpreter should be 16 years of age or older; individuals younger than 16 years of age should only be used in emergent circumstances and their use documented in the medical record.

(c) 考虑到年龄、行为能力、保密或利益冲突等问题。任何担任口译员的人员均应年满十六周岁;只有在紧急情况下才可使用小于十六周岁的人员,并将其使用情况记录在病历中。

(ix) management of a resource of skilled interpreters and persons skilled in communicating with vision and/or hearing impaired individuals;


(ix) 管理与视力和/或听力受损者沟通的熟练口译员和专业人员资源;

(a) interpreters and persons skilled in communicating with vision and/or hearing impaired individuals shall be available to patients in the inpatient and outpatient setting within 20 minutes and to patients in the emergency service within 10 minutes of a request to the hospital administration by the patient, the patient’s family or representative or the provider of medical care. The Commissioner of Health may approve time limited alternatives to the provisions of this subparagraph regarding interpreters and persons skilled in communicating with vision and/or hearing impaired individuals for patients of rural hospitals; which:

(a) 在患者、患者家属或代理人或医疗服务提供者向医院管理部门提出要求后,应在20分钟内为住院和门诊患者提供口译员和能与视力和/或听力受损者沟通的人员,并在10分钟内为急诊患者提供口译员和能与视力和/或听力受损者沟通的人员。卫生署署长可批准本分段规定之外的有时间限制的替代方案,即为农村医院的患者提供口译员和擅长与视力和/或听力受损者沟通的人员:

(1) demonstrate that they have taken and are continuing to take all reasonable steps to fulfill these requirements but are not able to fulfill such requirements immediately for reasons beyond the hospital’s control; and

(1) 证明已采取并将继续采取一切合理措施来满足这些要求,但由于医院无法控制的原因而不能立即满足这些要求;并且

(2) have developed and implemented effective interim plans addressing the communications needs of individuals in the hospital service area.

(2) 制定并实施了有效的临时计划,以满足医院服务区域内个人的交流需求。

(x) an annual needs assessment utilizing demographic information available from the United State Bureau of the Census, hospital administrative data, school system data, or other sources, that will identify limited English speaking groups comprising more than one percent of the total hospital service area population. Translations/transcriptions of significant hospital forms and instructions shall be regularly available for the languages identified by the needs assessment; and

(x) 利用从美国人口普查局、医院管理数据、学校系统数据或其他来源获得的人口信息进行年度需求评估,以确定占医院服务区总人口百分之一以上的英语水平有限的群体规模。医院应定期提供需求评估所确定语言的重要表格和说明的翻译/翻译件;以及

(xi) reasonable accommodation for a family member or patient’s representative to be present to assist with the communication assistance needs for patients with mental and developmental disabilities.

(xi) 为精神障碍和发育障碍患者提供合理便利,允许其家属或患者代理人在场帮助满足其沟通协助需求。

(b) Hospital responsibilities. The hospital shall afford to each patient the right to:

(b) 医院的责任。医院应支持每位患者实现以下权利:

(1) exercise these rights regardless of the patient's language or impairment of hearing or vision. Skilled interpreters shall be provided to assist patients in using these rights;

(1) 使得语言或听力或视力条件存在差异的患者均可行使这些权利。应提供熟练的翻译人员协助患者行使这些权利;

(2) treatment without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, or source of payment;

(2) 不因种族、肤色、宗教、性别、性别认同、国籍、残疾、性取向、年龄或收入来源而受到歧视;

(3) considerate and respectful care in a clean and safe environment;

(3) 在干净、安全的环境中提供周到细致的护理;

(4) receive emergency medical care as indicated by the patient's medical condition upon arrival at the hospital;

(4) 根据患者到达医院时的医疗状况提供紧急护理;

(5) limit the use of physical restraints to those patient restraints authorized in writing by a physician after a personal examination of the patient, for a specified and limited period of time to protect the patient from injury to himself or to others. In an emergency, the restraint may be applied only by or under the supervision of and at the direction of a registered professional nurse who shall set forth in writing the circumstances requiring the use of restraints. In such emergencies, a physician shall be immediately summoned and pending the arrival of the physician, the patient shall be kept under continuous supervision as warranted by the patient's physical condition and emotional state. At frequent intervals while restraints are in use the patient's physical needs, comfort and safety shall be monitored. An assessment of the patient's condition shall be made at least once every 30 minutes or at more frequent intervals if directed by a physician;


(5) 限制使用人身约束手段,仅限于由医生在对患者进行个人检查后以书面形式授权在特定和有限的时间内对患者使用的人身约束手段,以保护患者本人或他人不受伤害。在紧急情况下,束缚只能由注册专业护士实施或在其监督和指导下实施,注册专业护士应书面说明需要使用束缚的情况。在这种紧急情况下,应立即通知医生,在医生到达之前,应根据患者的身体状况和情绪状态对患者进行持续监护。在使用约束带期间,应经常监测患者的身体需要、舒适度和安全状况。应至少每30分钟对患者的状况进行一次评估,或在医生的指示下进行更频繁的评估;

(6) the name of the medical staff member who has the responsibility for coordinating his/her care and the right to discuss with his/her practitioner the type of care being rendered;

(6) 获知对负责协调其护理工作的医务人员姓名,并有权与其医生讨论所接受的护理类型;

(7) the name, position and function of any person providing treatment to the patient;

(7) 获知对为患者提供治疗的任何人员的姓名、职务和职能;

(8) obtain from the responsible medical staff member complete current information concerning his/her diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms the patient can be reasonably expected to understand. The patient shall be advised of any change in health status, including harm or injury, the cause for the change and the recommended course of treatment. The information shall be made available to an appropriate person on the patient's behalf and documented in the patient's medical record, if the patient is not competent to receive such information;

(8) 从负责的医务人员处获得有关其诊断、治疗和预后的最新完整信息,并以患者可合理预期理解的方式提供。患者应被告知健康状况的任何变化,包括伤害或损伤、变化的原因和建议的治疗方案。如果患者没有能力接受这些信息,应替患者将这些信息提供给适当的人员,并记录在患者的病历中;

(9) receive information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any nonemergency procedure or treatment or both. An informed consent shall include, as a minimum, the specific procedure or treatment or both, the reasons for it, the reasonably foreseeable risks and benefits involved, and the alternatives for care or treatment, if any, as a reasonable practitioner under similar circumstances would disclose. Documented evidence of such informed consent shall be included in the patient's medical record;

(9) 在开始任何非急救手术或治疗之前,获得必要的信息以做出知情同意。知情同意书至少应包括:具体的手术或治疗内容,其原因,可合理预见的风险和好处,以及护理或治疗的替代方案(如有),及任何其他一个合理的执业医师在类似情况下会披露的信息。此类知情同意的书面证据应纳入患者的医疗记录;

(10) refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the reasonably foreseeable consequences of such refusal;

(10) 在法律允许的范围内拒绝接受治疗,并被告知拒绝接受治疗的可合理预见的后果;

(11) receive from the responsible medical staff or designated hospital representatives information necessary to give informed consent prior to the withholding of medical care and treatment;

(11) 从负责的医务人员或指定的医院代表处获得必要的信息,以便在拒绝提供医疗护理和治疗前获得知情同意;

(12) privacy consistent with the provision of appropriate care to the patient;

(12) 与向患者提供的护理有关的隐私权;


(13) confidentiality of all information and records pertaining the patient's treatment, except as otherwise provided by law;

(13) 除非法律另有规定,对所有与患者治疗有关的信息和记录保密;

(14) a response by the hospital, in a reasonable manner, to the patient's request for services customarily rendered by the hospital consistent with the patient's treatment;

(14) 医院应以合理的方式答复患者提出的与患者治疗相关的医院惯常提供的服务要求;

(15) be informed by the responsible medical staff member or appropriate hospital staff of the patient's continuing health care requirements following discharge, and before any transfer to another facility, all relevant information about the need for and all reasonable alternatives to such a transfer;

(15) 由负责的医务人员或适当的医院工作人员告知患者出院后继续接受医疗护理的要求,并在转院前告知患者转院的必要性和所有合理的替代方案;

(16) prior to discharge, receive an appropriate written discharge plan and a written description of the patient discharge review process available to the patient under Federal or State law;

(16) 在出院前,收到一份书面出院计划和一份根据联邦或州法律向患者提供的患者出院审查程序的书面说明;

(17) the identity of any hospital personnel including students that the hospital has authorized to participate in the patient's treatment and the right to refuse treatment, examination and/or observation by any personnel;

(17) 医院已授权可获知患者治疗的任何医院人员(包括学生)的身份,以及拒绝任何人员治疗、 检查和/或观察的权利;

(18) refuse to participate in research and human experimentation in accordance with Federal and State law;

(18) 根据联邦和州法律拒绝参与研究和人体实验的权利;

(19) examine and receive an explanation of his/her bill, regardless of source of payment;

(19) 无论其收入来源如何,均应检查其账单并获得说明;

(20) be informed of the hospital rules and regulations that apply to a patient's conduct;

(20) 被告知适用于患者行为的医院规章制度;


(21) be admitted to a nonsmoking area;

(21) 进入非吸烟区;

(22) register complaints and recommend changes in policies and services to the facility's staff, the governing authority and the New York State Department of Health without fear of reprisal;

(22) 向机构员工、管理机构和纽约州卫生署登记投诉并提出政策和服务变更建议,而不必担心遭到报复;

(23) express complaints about the care and services provided and to have the hospital investigate such complaints. The hospital shall provide the patient or his/her designee with a written response if requested by the patient indicating the findings of the investigation. The hospital shall notify the patient or his/her designee that if the patient is not satisfied with the hospital's oral or written response, the patient may complain to the New York State Department of Health's Office of Health Systems Management. The hospital shall provide the telephone number of the local area office of the Health Department to the patient;

(23) 对所提供的护理和服务提出投诉,并要求医院对所投诉事项进行调查。如果患者要求,医院应向患者或其指定人员提供书面答复,说明调查结果。医院应告知患者或其指定人员,如果患者对医院的口头或书面答复不满意,可向纽约州卫生署卫生系统管理办公室投诉。医院应向患者提供卫生署当地办事处的电话号码;

(24) obtain access to his /her medical record pursuant to the provisions of Part 50 of this Title. The hospital may impose reasonable charges for all copies of medical records provided to patients, not to exceed costs incurred by the hospital. A patient shall not be denied a copy of his/her medical record solely because of inability to pay; and

(24) 根据本篇第 50 部分的规定获取其医疗记录。医院可对提供给患者的所有病历副本收取合理费用,但不得超过提供副本给医院带来的成本。不得仅因患者无力支付费用而拒绝向其提供病历副本。

(25) receive supportive services to meet the changing care needs of the patient and the patient's family/representative provided by qualified individuals who collectively have expertise in assessing the special needs of hospital patients and their families.

(25) 接受由具有评估医院患者及其家属特殊需求的专业知识的资质的人员提供的支持性服务,以满足患者和患者家属/代理人不断变化的护理需求。

(c) Patient's Bill of Rights. For purposes of subdivision (a) of this section, the hospital shall utilize the following Patients' Bill of Rights:

(c) 患者权利清单。为执行本条(a)小节的规定,医院应采用以下《患者权利清单》:

Patients' Bill of Rights


As a patient in a hospital in New York State, you have the right, consistent with law, to:


(1) Understand and use these rights. If for any reason you do not understand or you need help, the hospital must provide assistance, including an interpreter.

(1) 理解并使用这些权利。如果您因任何原因无法理解或需要帮助,医院必须为您提供帮助,包括安排口译人员。


(2) Receive treatment without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, or source of payment.

(2) 不受种族、肤色、宗教、性别、性别认同、国籍、残疾、性取向、年龄或收入来源歧视的前提下接受治疗。

(3) Receive considerate and respectful care in a clean and safe environment free of unnecessary restraints.

(3) 在无不必要限制且干净、安全的环境中接受周到细致的护理。

(4) Receive emergency care if you need it.

(4) 必要时接受紧急护理。

(5) Be informed of the name and position of the doctor who will be in charge of your care in the hospital.

(5) 获知负责在您住院期间为您提供护理的医生的姓名和职务。

(6) Know the names, positions, and functions of any hospital staff involved in your care and refuse their treatment, examination or observation.

(6) 获知与您的护理有关的任何医院工作人员的姓名、职务和职能,以及有权拒绝他们的治疗、检查或观察。

(7) Identify a caregiver who will be included in your discharge planning and sharing of post-discharge care information or instruction.

(7) 确定一名护理人员参与您的出院计划和出院后护理信息或指导的共享。

(8) Receive complete information about your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

(8) 获得关于您的诊断、治疗和预后的完整信息。

(9) Receive all the information that you need to give informed consent for any proposed procedure or treatment. This information shall include the possible risks and benefits of the procedure or treatment.

(9) 获得对任何拟议的程序或治疗做出知情同意所需的全部信息。这些信息应包括该程序或治疗可能带来的风险和益处。


(10) Receive all the information you need to give informed consent for an order not to resuscitate. You also have the right to designate an individual to give this consent for you if you are too ill to do so. If you would like additional information, please ask for a copy of the pamphlet "Deciding About Health Care - A Guide for Patients and Families."

(10) 获得您在知情的情况下同意拒绝心肺复苏所需的所有信息。如果您病重而无法做出知情同意,您也有权指定他人代理您行事。如果您想了解更多信息,请向医院索取“决定医疗护理-患者和家属指南”(Deciding About Health Care - A Guide for Patients and Families)指南。

(11) Refuse treatment and be told what effect this may have on your health.

(11) 拒绝接受治疗并被告知这可能对您的健康造成的影响。

(12) Refuse to take part in research. In deciding whether or not to participate, you have the right to a full explanation.

(12) 拒绝参与医学研究。在决定是否参与研究时,您有权得到充分的解释。

(13) Privacy while in the hospital and confidentiality of all information and records regarding your care.

(13) 尊重您住院期间的隐私权,并为您的护理相关所有信息和记录保密。

(14) Participate in all decisions about your treatment and discharge from the hospital. The hospital must provide you with a written discharge plan and written description of how you can appeal your discharge.

(14) 参与有关您的治疗和出院的所有决定。医院必须向您提供一份书面出院计划,以及如何就您的出院相关问题提出申诉的书面说明。

(15) Review your medical record without charge and obtain a copy of your medical record for which the hospital can charge a reasonable fee. You cannot be denied a copy solely because you cannot afford to pay.

(15) 免费查阅您的医疗记录,并获得一份医院可收取合理费用的医疗记录副本。不能仅因您无力支付费用而拒绝向您提供副本。

(16) Receive an itemized bill and explanation of all charges.

(16) 收到明细账单和所有收费项目的解释。

(17) View a list of the hospital’s standard charges for items and services and the health plans the hospital participates with.

(17) 查看医院的项目和服务标准收费清单以及医院参与的医疗保险计划。

(18) Challenge an unexpected bill through the Independent Dispute Resolution process.

(18) 通过独立争议解决程序对预期意外的账单提出质疑。

(19) Complain without fear of reprisals about the care and services you are receiving and to have the hospital respond to you and if you request it, a written response. If you are not satisfied with the hospital's response, you can complain to the New York State Health Department. The hospital must provide you with the Health Department telephone number.

(19) 对您所接受的护理和服务进行投诉而不必担心报复,如您提出请求,医院应对您的请求做出书面答复。如果您对医院的答复不满意,您可以向纽约州卫生署投诉。医院必须向您提供卫生署的电话号码。


(20) Authorize those family members and other adults who will be given priority to visit consistent with your ability to receive visitors.

(20) 根据您接待探视者的能力,授权家庭成员及具有优先探视权的其他成年人进行探视。

(21) Make known your wishes in regard to anatomical gifts. Persons sixteen years of age or older may document their consent to donate their organs, eyes and/or tissues, upon their death, by enrolling in the NYS Donate Life Registry or by documenting their authorization for organ and/or tissue donation in writing in a number of ways (such as health care proxy, will, donor card, or other signed paper). The health care proxy is available from the hospital.

(21) 表达您对器官捐赠的意愿。年满十六周岁的人士可在纽约州捐赠生命登记处登记,或通过多种方式(如医疗保健委托书、遗嘱、捐赠卡或其他签名文件)以书面形式记录他们在逝世后捐赠器官、眼睛和/或组织的医院。您可从医院处获得健康护理委托书。

(d) Each hospital shall be required to post in a conspicuous place and provide a pediatric patient's parent or other medical decision maker with a copy of a Parent's Bill of Rights advising that, at a minimum and subject to laws and regulations governing confidentiality, that in connection with every hospital admission or emergency room visit:

(d) 每家医院必须在显眼的地方张贴并向儿科患者的父母或其他医疗决策者提供一份《父母权利清单》的副本,在遵守有关保密的法律和法规的前提下,至少在每次入院或急诊就诊时告知家长:

(1) The hospital must ask each patient or the patient's representative for the name of his or her primary care provider, if known, and shall document such information in the patient's medical record.

(1) 医院必须向每位患者或患者代表询问其主治医生的姓名(如知晓),并将此信息记录在患者的病历中。

(2) The hospital may admit pediatric patients only to the extent consistent with their ability to provide qualified staff, space and size appropriate equipment necessary for the unique needs of pediatric patients.

(2) 医院只能在其有能力提供合格的工作人员、空间和满足儿科患者特殊需求所需的规模合适的设备的情况下接收儿科患者。

(3) To the extent possible given the patient's health and safety, the hospital shall allow at least one parent/guardian to remain with the patient at all times.

(3) 考虑到患者的健康和安全,医院应尽可能允许至少一名父母或其他监护人始终与患者在一起。

(4) All test results completed during the patient's admission or emergency room visit will be reviewed by a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner who is familiar with the patient's presenting condition.

(4) 在患者入院或急诊就诊期间完成的所有检查结果将由熟悉患者病情的医师、医师助理或执业护士进行审核。


(5) Patients may not be discharged from the hospital or the emergency room until any tests that could reasonably be expected to yield "critical value" results – results that suggest a life-threatening or otherwise significant condition such that it requires immediate medical attention – are reviewed by a physician, physician assistant (PA) and/or nurse practitioner (NP) and are communicated to the patient, his or her parents or other decision-makers, as appropriate.

(5) 在医师、医师助理和/或执业护士对任何可合理预期产生“关键结果”(即提示有生命危险或其他重要情况,需要立即就医的结果)的检查进行审核并酌情告知您和您的孩子或其他医疗决定者后,患者方可出院或撤离急救室。

(6) Patients may not be discharged until they receive a written discharge plan, which will also be verbally communicated to patients, their parents or other medical decision-makers, which will identify critical value results of laboratory or other diagnostic tests ordered during the patient's stay and identify any other tests that have not yet been concluded.

(6) 在适当情况下,当且仅当您或您的孩子收到书面出院计划且医护人员亦已以口头方式与您和您孩子或其他医疗决定者沟通后,您的孩子方可出院或撤离急救室。书面出院计划将具体说明,您的孩子在住院期间经实验室或其他诊断检验的关键结果,也会说明尚未得出结果的任何其他检验。

(7) The communication of critical value results and the discussion of the discharge plan must be accomplished in a manner that reasonably assures that the patient, their parents or other medical decision makers understand the health information provided in order to make appropriate health decisions.

(7) 获得您的孩子的关键检验结果和出院计划,从而合理确保您、您的孩子(若适当)或其他医疗决定者了解所提供的医疗信息,并可据此做出适当的医疗决定。

(8) Hospitals shall provide all lab results to the patient's primary care provider, if known.

(8) 医院若已知您的孩子的主治医生的姓名,应向其提供所有检验结果。

(9) A patient, his or her parent or other medical decision maker has the right to request information about the diagnosis, possible diagnoses that were considered and complications that could develop as well as information about any contact that was made with the patient's primary care provider.

(9) 您及您的孩子或其他医疗决策者有权要求获得有关诊断、考虑的可能诊断和可能出现的并发症的信息,以及与患者的主治医生联系的信息。

(10) On discharge, the hospital must provide a patient, his or her parent or other medical decision maker a phone number that the patient, his or her parent or other medical decision maker could call for advice in the event that complications or questions arise.

(10) 出院时,医院必须向您及您的孩子或其他医疗决策者提供一个可供咨询的电话号码,在出现并发症或问题时,患者、其父母或其他医疗决策者可打电话咨询。



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