


译者|孙书朋 西南政法大学硕士

一审|汪晨涵 复旦大学法律硕士

二审|田雅琦 外交学院法学硕士

编辑|许素敏 广州美术学院本科

         余卓妍 西安交通大学本科

责编|李薇    浙江工商大学本科

An Individual Surnamed Guo (Plaintiff)


A Network Ltd. (Defendant) 


[Case Reference]


Trial of First Instance: Hangzhou Internet Court No. 5626 [2021], First, Civil Division, HIC, Hangzhou.


[Basic Facts of the Case]


During the process of registering and using an shopping app operated by the Defendant, the Plaintiff found that the Privacy Policy and User Agreement popped up to ask the Plaintiff to accept or dismiss them. If one chose to decline he would not be allowed to use the app any more.


The plaintiff claims that the Privacy Policy contains the following contents:

a. In order to show you the goods or service that better meets your needs, we will collect and use the browsing and search records, the equipment information, servicelogs and other information authorized by you when your visit to or use of the Taobao website platforms or client side. We will use these pieces of information to predict your preferences through algorithm models, match the goods, services or other information that you may be interested in, and sort the goods, services or other information shown to you according to your clicking, browsing or buying.

b. In order to satisfy meet your diverse needs, we will introduce diversified recommendation technology in the sorting process to expand the recommended content and avoid excessive concentration of the same type of content.

c. We will also push your potentially interested commercials and other information to you based on your preferences on the Taobao app and other third-party apps. Alternatively, we may send you commercial messages.



The Plaintiff argues that the above items violate the Article 16 and Article 24 of Personal Information Protection Act, thus infringing upon his personal information interest and requesting the court to order the Defendant to allow using the app despite the dismissal of the Privacy Policy. The Plaintiff also request the court to order the Defendant to make the amende honorable for its infringement and compensate for the economic losses so incurred.


The result of investigation shows that in terms of automated decision-making and its application to information push and commercial marketing, the Defendant has taken the following in-app measures to protect users’ right of refusal:

a. Users can choose to either remove customized commercials based on different kinds of goods (or service) or click the button to entirely remove customized commercials by following the in-app instructions “My App – Settings–Privacy – Advertisement Management”;

b. Users can also click the button to entirely dismiss customized recommendations by following the in-app instructions “My App - Settings-Privacy-Recommendation Management”;

c. Users can also choose to delete browsing and search history by following the in-app instructions “My App – Footprint” and “Search Box – Search History”;

d. If users need to view non-customized ranking, he or she can click the button “Screen” on the search result page, and then select “Sales”, “Price” and “General Ranking”. 

The above measures are also clearly set out in the Privacy Policy.




[Summary of the Adjudication]


The Hangzhou Internet Court holds that the Privacy Policy adopted by the app in question has safeguarded users’ basic right of informed consent by obtaining their prior general consent at the time of the first operation of the app and registration. At the same time, it provides an after-the-fact selection mechanism for the protection of users' personal information rights and interests by setting convenient automatic recommendation declination options within the APP. 


Specifically, in terms of automated decision-making and its application to information push and commercial marketing, the Defendant has taken the following inapp measures to protect users’ right of refusal:

a. Users can choose to either remove customized commercials based on different kinds of goods (or service) or click the button to entirely remove customized commercials by following the in-app instructions “My App – Settings – PrivacyAdvertisement Management”;

b. Users can also click the button to entirely dismiss customized recommendations by following the in-app instructions “My AppSettingsPrivacyRecommendation Management;

c. Users can also choose to delete browsing and search history by following the in-app instructions “My App – Footprint” and “Search Box – Search History”;

d. If users need to view non-customized ranking, he or she can click the button “Screen” on the search result page, and then select “Sales”, “Price” and “General Sorting”. 


Therefore, the measures mentioned above are consistent with the Article 24 of Personal Information Protection Act because the app has reminded the Plaintiff to read and requested his consent to the Privacy Policy at the time of its first operation and users’ registration. This means the Defendant did not refuse to provide service for the Plaintiff by forcing the Plaintiff to accept the policy. Given this, the Defendant did not infringe upon the personal information interest of the Plaintiff, and thus the court dismissed the action. After the judgement, both parties were bound by it without any appeal. Therefore, the judgement has come into force.


[Key Findings]


(Personal) information processors use automatic decision-making methods for personal information processing activities, such as collecting and using information with personal characteristics, personal information processors need to provide convenient ways to refuse if it is used for the first time. If information processors obtain subjects’ prior general consent through privacy policies or allow rejection ex-post, which can be deemed as the safeguard of subjects’ informed consent. Then there is a legitimate foundation for information processors to use personal information to make automated decisions.


If information processors push information through automated decision-making but fail to allow rejection or make it so inconvenient for users to reject the processing that they are unable to do so based on their real expression of intention, then the information processors breach their duties. In this case, the information processors should be considered as infringing  upon users’ personal information interest. 




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