How I procrastinate

How I procrastinate


Today I'm supposed to do my chinese homework. I don't want to. I am procrastinating. I know I'm supposed to, and Grandpa will get mad at me if I don't, but I still don't wanna do it.

Today is a rainy day!  Earlier, when it was sunny, we went running. Then we went to Texas Roadhouse for lunch. Then we went to this super creepy and haunted antique store, where I found a typewriter that made an authentic typewriter noise. I had never seen a typewriter in real life before. I had only ever heard typewriter noises in movies. Or maybe in a museum. It was really cool.

Then, since mommy made me suffer through the antiqueyness, I demanded we went to Ulta. Mommy said we could go, so me and mommy went in and bought face masks, a rollery thing, and some other stuff. Then we came home and I did my skincare routine with her.  That took a while.

Then I got tired, and went to take a nap. I took a really long nap. Then I woke up and it was all rainy. I went outside and played in the rain. I used stones to build a dam in the overflowing gutter. Then Daddy told me to take the dam apart, so I did. After I did that, I ran upstairs to tell mommy about my cool rainy day exploits.

So here I am still procrastinating doing my chinese homework. 

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来源: 文学城-落花飘零
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