KUNDUN/Dalai Lama - Martin Scorsese\'s Hidden Gem

KUNDUN/Dalai Lama - Martin Scorsese\'s Hidden Gem


KUNDUN/Dalai Lama - Martin Scorsese's Hidden Gem


the Dalai Lama. His autobiographies, My Land and My People, Freedom in Exile, are good accompaniments, along with The Story of Tibet by Thomas Laird, for anyone interested.

KUNDUN full movie - Martin Scorsese's Hidden Gem

195,041 views Feb 18, 2024
The early years and forced exile of the 14th Dalai Lama. Touchstone Pictures (the adult division of Disney) released this film in late 1997. Kundun was dedicated to Scorsese's late mother. Experience the incredible true story of the Dalai Lama and the people of Tibet in Martin Scorsese's hidden gem, KUNDUN. Watch the full movie now and discover the beauty and resilience of Tibet, as well as the inspiring journey of the Dalai Lama. Don't miss out on this powerful film that explores themes of faith, freedom, and perseverance. Disney gave no real backing to the film, Kundun making just over 5.5 Million at the Box Office. Was released on two screens in the United States on Premiere... I believe on Christmas Day. Volume low after Upload. If watching on a PC, you might want to try (for example) a Chrome Extension like Volume Booster - which can raise the volume past 100%. Cinematography by Roger Deakins Written by Melissa Mathison Music composed by Philip Glass.
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