Reasons why I am an old lady

Reasons why I am an old lady

Ok. So, I’m assuming you saw the title. I bet you’re thinking, “But Emily, you’re only 12!” Yeah. I know. It does not stop my body from thinking I am an old lady. TWELVE YEARS OF LIFE, that’s it! 12 YEARS and MY JOINTS CREAK! I can guarantee you that I am an old lady at heart. Here are 3 reasons:1. My kneecaps are busted. They don’t work very well. They pop so much that a someone can look around and wonder, who’s making popcorn? Both of them by the way. One day my kneecaps decided to hurt and now they need to be oiled.2. My ankles are also busted. So, I bet you remember when I got that cast on my right ankle, right? Ok, so, casts are supposed to stop you from running, or jumping and stuff. It did not work. I was running with the cast, and the moment that I got it off, I was running and jumping all over the place. I’m pretty sure that’s why it didn’t heal right. But seriously, you ask a 10 year old to not run for 4 weeks, and expect them to listen? Wrong move buddy. I think the strain is why my other ankle also decided to not function properly. 3. I’m just overall broken. I have eczema, so my skin shrivels up and dies whenever I don’t moisturize my hands (my eczema is getting better, and it only ever happens on my hands, thank goodness). My hair also decided to be stringy and very, not……hair. That’s the only way I can put it. My teeth are also botched, but it’s not my fault, I think I got it from my dad. Also, my stomach gets itchy and red if I stay too long exposed to chlorine, which is so AMAZING cuz guess what, I’m a triathlete. I train IN THE POOL.Overall, oh no. The ELA (English language arts class in school) is getting to me. I formatted this like an essay. Gosh DANGIT! Welp, before I go all Shakespeare on you, I’m going to end this with a period like I always do. AAAHHHH!!! I’m an old lady my BACKKKK!!!!!.
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来源: 文学城-落花飘零
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