推荐个电影给家里有teenager鸡飞狗跳的爸妈:Lady bird
楼主 (北美华人网)
在越哥上看到了Lady bird 的故事简介,母女吵架的经典场景一出来我就笑了:
女儿气愤: You give me a number for how much it cost to raise me. And I’m gonna get older and make a lot of money and write you a check for what I owe you so that I never have to speak to you again
妈妈嘲讽:Well I highly doubt that you will be able to get a job good enough to do that
老天,这和我家跟孩子开战时的情形太像啦,特别引人深思的是后来妈妈说 "I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be",然后女儿回复 “What if this is the best version?”
故事的最后女儿离开了加州的家乡,去了东海岸读大学,母女最终和解,父母和孩子之间是难以割舍的爱。我被电影的结尾打动了,决定接受自家孩子的不完美和他永不可能达到父母expectation 的事实,无论无何父母与孩子的血缘关系无法斩断,与其家里鸡飞狗跳关系紧张,不如接受孩子的全部,努力去爱我们那不完满的孩子然后帮助他们成长为更好的自己。分享这部电影给各位对自己孩子失望的推爸推妈们 🫠
女儿气愤: You give me a number for how much it cost to raise me. And I’m gonna get older and make a lot of money and write you a check for what I owe you so that I never have to speak to you again
妈妈嘲讽:Well I highly doubt that you will be able to get a job good enough to do that
老天,这和我家跟孩子开战时的情形太像啦,特别引人深思的是后来妈妈说 "I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be",然后女儿回复 “What if this is the best version?”
故事的最后女儿离开了加州的家乡,去了东海岸读大学,母女最终和解,父母和孩子之间是难以割舍的爱。我被电影的结尾打动了,决定接受自家孩子的不完美和他永不可能达到父母expectation 的事实,无论无何父母与孩子的血缘关系无法斩断,与其家里鸡飞狗跳关系紧张,不如接受孩子的全部,努力去爱我们那不完满的孩子然后帮助他们成长为更好的自己。分享这部电影给各位对自己孩子失望的推爸推妈们 🫠