星期六,芝加哥,绿色的河 !

星期六,芝加哥,绿色的河 !


The History of the Chicago River Dyed Green 2024

每年的这一天,芝加哥这个城市都会把流经芝加哥Downtown那一段的芝加哥河给染成绿色,用来纪念和庆祝 St. Patrick's Day.

A stained glass window depicts Saint Patrick dressed in a green robe with a halo about his head, holding a sham rock in his right hand and a staff in his left.

什么是 St. Patrick's Day?

摘抄一段维基百科对 St. Patrick's Day 的解读。

Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick (IrishLá Fhéile Pádraiglit.'the Day of the Festival of Patrick'), is a religious and cultural holiday held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick (c. 385 – c. 461), the foremost patron saint of Ireland.

Saint Patrick's Day was made an official Christian feast day in the early 17th century and is observed by the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion (especially the Church of Ireland),[7] the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Lutheran Church. The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, and, by extension, celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general.[5][8] Celebrations generally involve public parades and festivals, céilithe, and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks.[9] Christians who belong to liturgical denominations also attend church services[8][10] and historically the Lenten restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol were lifted for the day, which has encouraged and propagated the holiday's tradition of alcohol consumption.[8][9][11][12]

Saint Patrick's Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland,[13] Northern Ireland,[14] the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador (for provincial government employees), and the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat. It is also widely celebrated in the United Kingdom,[15] CanadaBrazilUnited StatesArgentinaAustraliaSouth Africa,[16] and New Zealand, especially amongst Irish diaspora. Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated in more countries than any other national festival.[17] Modern celebrations have been greatly influenced by those of the Irish diaspora, particularly those that developed in North America. However, there has been criticism of Saint Patrick's Day celebrations for having become too commercialised and for fostering negative stereotypes of the Irish people.[18]

St. Patrick's Day

老美很有意思抑或说是移民到美国的这些爱尔兰人很有意思。他们在St. Patrick's Day这一天尽量走绿。绿衣绿裤绿鞋绿袜甚至绿帽子。反正什么都绿。而芝加哥这个城市的爱尔兰人,从1962年开始,每年在St. Patrick's Day的时候,就把芝加哥河流过市中心的那一段染成绿色,用来纪念St. Patrick's Day。很好玩,很疯狂,很创意,很发泥!

Green river: Chicago goes green for St. Patrick's Day! - ABC7 Los Angeles


Get Ready for St. Patrick's Day 2024 in Chicago - City Experiences?

St. Patrick Day 虽然不是美国的法定假日,但是,在民间已经成了气候。很多地方都会利用这个日子放个假什么的。在芝加哥,把河水染绿是最疯狂的一种,其间各种游览,各种娱乐,各种摄影,各种照相,各种享受,都会集中到芝加哥河的这一段来。

今年,芝加哥也会和往年一样,在St. Patrick's Day 这天把芝加哥河的市中心段给染成绿色。


The History of the Chicago River Dyed Green 2024


现在就去订机票,SAN - ORD,订酒店 DER, 不租车了,麻烦,现在乌伯的车很方便。吃饭要吃好,第一顿吃 Cage, 第二顿吃 Catch, 第三顿吃 Cabra, 哈哈,都是 C 打头的吃处。

Chicago Bulls - Happy St. Patrick's Day, Bulls Nation! Perhaps we'll get an  appearance from Green Benny at our game tonight?  | Facebook

OK, See you in St. Patrick's Day, See you in Green and See you in Chicago !





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来源: 文学城-mychina
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