Walt Disney failed 300 times b4

Walt Disney failed 300 times b4


1. Give quiet team members time to prep for meetings.
2. Use emails, shared docs or reports for their input.
3. Schedule 1:1 time for more comfortable sharing.
4. Recognize their contributions in low-key ways.
5. Empower their analytical & thoughtful nature.
6. Provide areas to work without distractions.
7. Ensure their voices are heard and valued.

"Quiet people have the loudest minds."
— Stephen Hawking


Walt Disney failed to secure financing 300 times before he could launch his entertainment empire (Source:

The 3 things successful leaders do to overcome challenges?

1. Learn and grow from every misstep, never being afraid or have too much of an ego to pivot.

2. Consistency: Rejected 300 times?
Keep gathering information from each rejection on what could be better, improve the proposition, and keep going.

3. Surround themselves with a support structure that sustains them

“Even the most successful people have their share of inner struggles. Acknowledging our vulnerabilities is what makes us stronger." – Arianna Huffington

What if I told you that the glossy veneer of 'success' often overshadows the raw truth – that even the most successful among us grapple with the same hurdles you do?

Did you know that an estimated 70% of people experience impostor syndrome at some point in their lives?

This staggering statistic includes many top-performing leaders. (Source: International Journal of Behavioral Science)

Those seemingly flawless icons of industry?

They, too, have faced mental health challenges, crippling self-doubt, and the sneaky tendrils of imposter syndrome.

Yes, even they procrastinate and misstep.

Walt Disney failed to secure financing 300 times before he could launch his entertainment empire (Source:

The 3 things successful leaders do to overcome challenges?

1. Learn and grow from every misstep, never being afraid or have too much of an ego to pivot.

2. Consistency: Rejected 300 times?
Keep gathering information from each rejection on what could be better, improve the proposition, and keep going.

3. Surround themselves with a support structure that sustains them

#entrepreneurs #wellbeing #holistichealth #leadership #founders
Shengwen Calvin Li, PhD,EIC,FRSB,FRSM


Consistency in the face of rejection is not just about persistence, but also about learning and adapting from each 'no'.
1 Comment on Jarrell Hibler’s comment
True strength lies in embracing our vulnerabilities, not hiding from them. It's a powerful reminder for us all.
1 Comment on Howard Chi’s comment
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