

有緣人,記住這個忠告:不要去招惹有靈性的女人,因爲她跟所有人不一樣。不要以爲她善良心軟就欺負她,她們看得懂所有的套路。她的智慧,是生活的苦帶給他的。換了個人,未必有她做得好。而她呢,不但能走出來,還能守得住善良。這樣的人呢,人間難得,人不幫天也會。能看到今天這個影片的女人,就是走在靈性覺醒路上的女人,別不信這種緣。 什麼是有靈性的女人呢?這種女人,她不爭不搶,也不物質,而且她從小就非常的心善。 這種女人的生命中暗藏着一種使命,心念正的人靠近她會獲得好運,心念不正的人惡意欺負她,會被她強大的生命力反噬。 你很難在人羣中辨別她,因爲她性格低調內斂,不張揚,但只要你和她相處後,就能感知到她的氣質獨特。 有一種說法,“金錢和愛情是靈性的敵人。”一個擁有很高靈性的女人,恰恰是對物質和愛情具有強烈免疫力的人,因爲身心的自在纔是她們永恆的追求。 靈性越高的女人,生活中越是很難有太大的物質收穫和愛情收穫的。凡夫俗子看重的東西在她們的眼裏不值一提,都是過眼煙雲。 靈性高的女人她們待人真誠,看上去像是一個低到塵埃裏的人。她們塑造的整個氣場是讓人感覺舒服的、淡雅的、不爭的、無爲的,這樣的氣場很養人
所謂的「一個女人好好愛自己」,不是為自己多買一件衣服,不是為自己吃上一頓美食,不是為自己計畫一次旅行,而是時時刻刻守護自己的心,不隨境轉,即使身處暴風中,依然寧靜。 時時刻刻都寧靜,就是福氣,就是喜樂。
If you are destined,
remember this advice
and don’t mess with a spiritual woman
because she is different from everyone else.
Don’t bully her just because you think she is kind and soft-hearted.
They can understand all the tricks.
Her wisdom
is what the hardship of life has brought to him.
It may not be possible for
another person . She has done well
, and she is
not only able to come out,
but also maintain her kindness.
It is rare in the world that
people can see this video
without help.
The woman in today’s video
is a woman who is on the road to spiritual awakening.
Don’t believe this. Why
is a spiritual woman?
This kind of woman
does not fight, grab,
or be materialistic
, and she has been very kind-hearted since she was a child.
There is a mission hidden in this woman's life.
People who approach her with righteous thoughts will get good luck
. Those who bully her maliciously
will be counterattacked by her strong vitality.
It is difficult to identify her in the crowd
because she has a low-key personality and is unassuming
But as long as you get along with her,
you will be able to sense her unique temperament.
There is a saying that
money and love are The Enemy of Spirituality:
A woman with high spirituality
is precisely a person who has a strong immunity to material and love,
because physical and mental freedom is their eternal pursuit.
The higher the spirituality of a woman, the
harder it is for her to have
much material gains and love in life. The things
that ordinary people value are not worth mentioning in their eyes.
They are
women with high spirituality. They
treat people sincerely and look like a person as low as dust.
The whole aura they create is
comfortable and elegant. This kind of aura of non-dispute and inaction
is very nourishing.
Women with high spirituality
become more relaxed
and happier as time goes
by. When we are still complaining about the unfairness of the world and the unkindness of others,
they have already begun to look inward
and seek for themselves
instead . When life is exhausted,
they are already in a state of false cultivation.
If you can meet such a person in your life,
you must cherish it
because you will feel comfortable
when you are with such a person.
You are with a person with high spirituality. When we get along,
you will find that it is very comfortable,
and simple.
There are not so many twists and turns, sophistication
, and not so much gossip.
Women who are
smooth and spiritual in
dealing with things. They never look for external reasons when they encounter problems.
They only like to look for problems from within.
They are very pure
and even very pure. They are simple
and unsophisticated people
, but they really have the longest love.
They look like ordinary people, so ordinary that they
are not eye-catching
or outstanding
in the dust.
Because they are quiet at heart
and not good at words
because they are sincere and conscientious
, they respond
with an open mind. They
are strong and flexible in
dealing with things.
The higher the spirituality, the purer it is, the more ordinary it is,
the more it looks like an ordinary person. People with high
spirituality generally do not have strong utilitarianism
, so it is difficult to make a fortune in this world,
it is difficult to fall in love,
and it is difficult to get involved with others
, so
the more spiritual they are. Women become more relaxed
, happier
, and contented
, while the lower their spirituality,
the more troubled they become, the more pretentious
they become, and the more entangled
they become. They silently gather good deeds
and become a magnetic field of goodness.
They are content, happy, indifferent, and enterprising
This is a person with high spirituality.
Women with higher spiritual qualities
are often women who have been reborn.
Every woman who has been reborn
has experienced the darkest moment in her life.
It is difficult for you to understand the helplessness and suffering she experienced
when she was isolated and helpless
. She will witness it with her own eyes. The darkness of human nature
, the collapse of trust
, and walking alone through the darkness of despair.
After that,
some people completely turn dark and
become ferocious
. Some people return to purity and
become relieved and
no longer care.
She went from innocence to darkening
for her own sake. To protect
her now from blackening
to purely for spiritual awakening
, she is the moment he is reborn from the ashes
. No one can disturb her heart anymore.
, women who do not rely on men
are spiritual,
because such women cannot They are greedy for money
and not materialistic
, and they would never think of relying on men to get to the top.
They have their own capital and confidence,
and have superior character and upright outlook.
She will not treat
people who are kind to her badly,
and she will never treat
those who are cruel to her.
As the old saying goes
, ten beautiful women are not as good as
one aura woman.
You can see their difference
from their aura eyes.
Their eyes are a bit special when they are concentrating and thinking,
aloof, indifferent
and a bit overlooking. The feeling of the human world
is not actually because they are really cold
, but because they have a clear understanding of how everything works.
Their hearts are like the sea and
can hold too many things.
Women with higher spirituality
often have the following: These ten characteristics
: Chapter 1
: Rarely
loves to be alone;
once identified as a friend, he is very sincere
and can easily distinguish similar people among the crowd
; 2:
Loves to think independently about
everything; she asks why;
does not like to follow the crowd;
and 3:
will not be habitually coerced by others.
I like a person to creatively do things that I think are valuable
instead of wasting a lot of time on meaningless things.
I like nature
and believe that everything has spirit.
The benevolent Leshan
wise man enjoys the water
and looks for the aura of returning to nature in the mountains and rivers. Fifth , treat feelings with
and don’t be trapped by feelings
. Once you can’t find the feeling and happiness of two people together,
pull away decisively
without being muddled.
don’t be confused by the heart
and won’t be confused by
things. You can see the essence of things at a glance
and don’t be confused and dragged
down by material desires. Full of
spirit and wealth.
she likes to study metaphysical knowledge such as
metaphysics, philosophy, psychology and traditional culture.
, she disdains arguing with others
, even if the other party says that one plus one equals three
, she will not refute it
because she knows that people live in a self-structured world.
The ninth
intuition is very accurate.
Don’t have close friendships with people who feel uncomfortable.
Don’t go into areas where you feel uncomfortable.
Trust your own feelings when making major choices.
The tenth intuition
is that you have your own independent space and spiritual world.
You won’t deliberately please or flatter anyone’s personality when it’s not necessary
. Once you become
independent and enlightened
, you will not foolishly try to please or depend on anyone.
Ordinary women live in emotions.
Intermediate women live in rationality and thinking.
Top women live in spiritual awakening.
Awakened women understand that
everything in life is experience.
Such a woman
has a sense of purpose, a sense of mission, a
completely different worldview, and a completely different outlook on life.
She is extremely
determined and powerful in her heart.
She can create great value to
society, family, and individuals.
Men can start wars
, and women can bring peace to the world.
This is the power of women
in the present moment. In the era of Lihuo Jiuyun,
we will feel more and more the awakening of this female power.
Cause and effect are everywhere
. The following types of women
often have their own spirituality.
Don’t mess with
them. Those who provoke will often have big causes and effects.
Even God is blessing
these people , and they are all
blessed people -
people who can always persist in being kind
. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil.
It is not unrequited when the time has not come.
There are gods with our heads above our heads.
We need to be full of reverence for this world
and cultivate ourselves. Cause and effect of character
really exist,
just like people often say,
sow melons and you will reap beans, sow beans and reap beans.
Whatever causes we plant
will produce fruits.
When we plant good causes, we
will also produce good fruits. If
we persist in being kind,
we will have good results. Great blessings
are just
some causes and effects that take a long time to
show up.
Just like seeds sown in spring
will not be harvested
until autumn.
As long as we look at cause and effect from a long-term perspective
, we will definitely be able to fully understand it.
just be kind and do
the rest. Depending on God's will
, others may occasionally owe us something
, but God will not.
All our efforts
will one day be returned to us
in unexpected surprises.
2. There is a big picture
. People with big love in their hearts
. There is a big picture.
People with big love in their hearts.
Their original intention
to work hard is not for themselves
but to enable more people to live a better life.
It is precisely because of this great love
that they can inspire many
groups of like-minded people and
finally achieve success. A remarkable achievement
, with
great structure and great love.
People who
are willing to contribute whatever they can to all living beings
are people with great virtues.
The ancients said that
people with great virtues
and great virtues
are often more able to carry out great undertakings. The
bigger the cause , the bigger the cause.
Towards the end of a career,
what is often all about is character.
If there is no virtue
and character,
all the achievements
will disappear and
the end will be miserable. Only with great
virtue can you have
a big picture
and be able to embrace all things.
Only with a broad mind
can you accommodate all kinds of talents
. People who can take on big responsibilities
and have great virtues
will often be favored by God. They will have
good luck, success in
family harmony and happiness.
Three filial people.
Since ancient times
, filial piety
has always occupied a very important position in people's hearts.
Just like the ancients said
the hundred virtues of filial piety
Being filial first
is the most basic moral bottom line.
If you can't even do filial piety
, then don't expect him to do any good deeds.
If you can't even tolerate your own parents
, how can you tolerate
other people ?
It's unfilial.
Without the respect and recognition of others , people
cannot take on big responsibilities
and accomplish big things. They
are doomed
to encounter
. Filial
can often enjoy happiness, harmony, and good luck. Spiritual women
seem to have an extraordinary ability
to resolve various difficulties and challenges in life,
just like a magician waving a magic wand.
They use their inner strength to overcome various difficulties.
They are not invincible
but have learned to find strength in difficulties.
They have learned to find growth in setbacks.
Their hearts are full of love and understanding.
Their souls are full of passion and wisdom
. They know that
every failure is a stepping stone to success.
Every hardship is a catalyst for growth.
They are not afraid of failure
because they know
Failure is the mother of success.
Every failure will bring new revelations and opportunities.
Their hearts are full of peace and patience.
They know that
life is like a long and winding river.
Sometimes it is as calm as a mirror
and sometimes it is choppy.
They are willing to wait
and endure
because they They know that
only through time
can they see the most beautiful scenery.
Their souls are free.
They are not limited by worldly vision and evaluation.
What they pursue is inner peace and satisfaction.
They know that
true freedom is not about doing whatever you want
but being able to control yourself.
If you meet a woman with high spirituality,
don’t try to challenge their bottom line.
Their bottom line is not a line of defense but
a principle.
They respect others
, respect life,
and respect themselves.
Their bottom line is the embodiment of their spirituality
and their morality. Standards
If you try to challenge their bottom line,
it will only make them more determined to protect their beliefs and dignity.
Their hearts are open,
they are willing to accept different perspectives and cultures,
and they are willing to listen to different voices and experiences.
Their open mind allows them to see They can see more possibilities
and absorb more wisdom and strength.
Their lives are full of meaning.
They know that
the meaning of life lies not in the pursuit of material satisfaction and enjoyment
but in the pursuit of spiritual growth and improvement.
Their lives are full of goals and meanings.
They are moving towards their goals every day
and working hard for their beliefs and values ??every day.
If you meet a spiritual person,
you should feel lucky
because they are like a mirror
that allows you to see your own strengths and values. Insufficiency
allows you to see the beauty and difficulty of life, and
allows you to see the light and darkness of human nature.
They not only allow you to see these
, but also give you the opportunity to change yourself
and become a better person.
When you get along with them,
you may feel your own heart. Being illuminated
, you may feel that your life is more fulfilling and meaningful.
You may feel that your humanity has been improved and perfected.
This is all because of their influence.
Their wisdom and strength
allow you to see your potential and Possibility
, so
if you meet a woman with high spirituality,
don’t offend them easily
, respect them,
from them, and ask them for advice,
because they have wisdom and power
that you can’t imagine, charm and attraction that you can’t imitate,
tolerance and tolerance that you can’t match. Generosity,
they are mentors in life
, guides of souls
, and disseminators of wisdom.
For women who are spiritual,
they need to keep in mind
that there is something ugly called loss of aura. When
a person's aura disappears, they will become numb,
have no feeling
, be hesitant about doing things
, have low concentration
, or even be completely unable to focus on one thing
. Always thinking about things,
if a person stays at home for a long time
without going out and interacting
with others ,
he will become particularly negative and lazy,
have no sense of time
, feel that life is meaningless,
will be bored, be socially
afraid of the future, or be paralyzed by escaping from reality. You
will slowly become sluggish
and become less spiritual.
Zhuangzi revealed the secret
more than 2,000 years ago.
This is related to the laws of the movement of all things in the world.
The heaven, earth, and
the earth are the most valuable
in it . Therefore, people must go out and walk
more. Obtain energy from heaven and earth.
A person must not let himself lose his spirituality
, especially women.
Women without spirituality will really grow old and ugly.
The most important thing is to learn to be good to yourself.
No matter what kind of problems, they will eventually become a thing of the past.
When you are a woman She regained her aura
when she was strong in heart
, no longer brooding
about the past, and full of hope for the future.
Many female protagonists were very active when they were young, had
many friends
, and had many topics
to talk about. But after getting married and having children,
they became dull,
except when talking about the changes in
husband and children.
They are actually smart and interesting women who
have to be taciturn. But now they can hardly even smile. They
have lost their original selves and
become completely different people.
They devote all their time and energy to their families and children,
but they are more and more concerned about themselves.
In fact
, every woman should understand the truth that
you are yourself first
and then other people’s wives and mothers.
A woman who is dark and lifeless
cannot bring good things to others,
so tiredness and ugliness
are real
. Mostly, it is due to fatigue and numbness
that the facial features and spiritual consciousness are blurred.
It is especially obvious in women
. Many women's facial features were clear and full of spiritual energy when they were young.
When they grow up, their facial features and temperament become blurred.
This is because they are suppressed by various desires and pressures when they grow up. The
gradual weakening of
spiritual energy
is also normal, but it can
stay with us in the form of another kind of power
by maintaining our own
, maintaining concentration,
and the spiritual energy
of adults
is the precipitation after experience and the transformation after growth,
and it is also the way for us to maintain motivation and happiness
. No matter how
numb and sensitive the power
is, the most terrifying thing for a woman is to lose her aura.
Reiki is the yearning and pursuit of a better life,
the kind of personality that does not follow common sense
, and the ability to live life vividly.
Some women may They would say that
I am not qualified to talk about beauty.
I only have my husband and children in my eyes. I
only have three meals a day in spring, summer, autumn and winter.
I no longer care about whether I have new clothes to wear.
I no longer care about whether my figure is out of shape.
I no longer care about whether my hair is beautiful. Maybe
you think this is great,
but in fact you are looking down on yourself.
You don’t love yourself anymore
. How can others love you?
You don’t respect yourself anymore.
How can others respect you?
You don’t love yourself anymore
. How can others love you?
I feel sorry for you, are you right?
In fact, others cannot see clearly.
Only she knows
best whether
a woman is happy or not.
And a woman whose aura has disappeared
is a woman who cannot even deceive herself. You
need to know There is an ugly thing called the loss of aura
, but the best way to maintain it is
to love yourself.
There is a saying that
the world seen with the naked eye is all about fame and wealth.
The world
the heavenly
eye sees
. The more
and spiritual a woman is, the inner world is rich enough and
the soul will produce fragrance,
outstanding talent,
rich connotation,
elegant words and deeds,
low eyebrows and raised hands, with a warm and refreshing fragrance,
and a calm beauty that travels through the years.
A woman with a fragrant soul. You must be
a person who does not strive for
excellence. Only when you reach a certain age
can you understand the true meaning of indisputable. Indisputable
is an attitude towards life
and a low-key wisdom. A woman who knows how
to make choices and is comfortable
in the world.
A woman who does not strive for perfection
has a calm mind
and an open mind
. She has everything. A more
simple life,
a noble soul
, is the highest state of life.
Thank you for reading to the end.
If today’s sharing is helpful to you,
please like it and give me a reply.
“Guard my spirituality.”
Bless those who are spiritually awakened.
May wisdom and compassion always be by your side.
May you always bring sunshine to the lives of everyone around you.
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practice blessings together. Share with joy and the merits will be immeasurable.



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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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