


G R E A T   B U I L D I N G S   P I C T U R ES

Photo, exterior · 30 St Mary Axe · London, England, UK

Photo, exterior, with Foster's London City Hall in foreground · 30 St Mary Axe · London, England, UK

Photo · London City Hall · London, England, UK

Photo · London City Hall · London, England, UK

Photo, distant exterior with Tower of London in foreground · London City Hall · London, England, UK

Photo · London City Hall · London, England, UK

Photo · London City Hall · London, England, UK

National Assembly for Wales, designed by Richard Rogers.
Photo: Welsh Assembly Government

National Assembly for Wales, designed by Richard Rogers.
Photo: Welsh Assembly Government

The roof pulls down to the lower-level debating chamber in a mushroom-shaped form.
Photo: Welsh Assembly Government

Photo · Millennium Dome · London, England, United Kingdom

Photo · Millennium Dome · London, England, United Kingdom

Photo · Millennium Dome · London, England, United Kingdom

Photo · Millennium Dome · London, England, United Kingdom

High-Tech Modern
NotesOne of several grand millennium projects in the UK..

Photo, exterior · Centre Pompidou · Paris, France

Interior Photo · Centre Pompidou · Paris, France

View from north · Centre Pompidou · Paris, France

Northwest wall · Centre Pompidou · Paris, France

Upper northwest wall, south end · Centre Pompidou · Paris, France

Detail; upper northwest wall · Centre Pompidou · Paris, France

Westernmost corner · Centre Pompidou · Paris, France

View from southwest · Centre Pompidou · Paris, France

Upper western corner, southwest wall · Centre Pompidou · Paris, France

High-Tech Modern
NotesThe "Centre Georges Pompidou", or "Pompidou Center", formerly"Centre Beaubourg". Massive structural expressionist cast exoskeleton,"exterior" escalators enclosed in transparent tube. Designed by thecollaboration of Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano.

Photo, looking up · Lloyds Building · London, England

Photo, detail of railing · Lloyds Building · London, England

Photo · Lloyds Building · London, England

Photo · Lloyds Building · London, England

Photo · Lloyds Building · London, England

Photo · Lloyds Building · London, England

Photo · Lloyds Building · London, England

Photo · Lloyds Building · London, England

Photo · Lloyds Building · London, England

Photo · Lloyds Building · London, England

Photo · Lloyds Building · London, England

High-Tech Modern
NotesExpressed structure and exposed services as ornamental order.

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