群舌之战到同声传译第一程 (1)
除了大多数埋在书堆,文档堆里的日子。从大剧场的图兰朵特,西城故事,歌剧幽灵,皇家芭蕾舞团的天鹅湖,灰姑娘,舞台剧fiddler on the roof,到小剧场里普契尼的蝴蝶夫人,托斯卡,jazz festival, 甚至学校里的音乐学院,你都会捕捉到我的影,一个来回穿梭的身影。
好了 , 时间到了 , 我们该转头回路了。从同传技巧入门开始,首先的关键是 memory , note-taking skills 训练强化,同时巩固英文特殊语法要点,学习熟悉英文常用的 idioms ,不可避免的也会接触到 LEGAL , health 的 terminology ,但在同传技巧培训阶段,这还不是重点所在。
Interpreters 和 translators 的区别一在于一个是 visualize written materials ,另一个 remember a speech through the sounds of its parts 。还有笔译可以慢慢的搜索资料,斟词酌句,而口译人员则要在听清讲话人讲话的同时,记住原句,原词,同时精准的用另一种语言表达出来。中间不得有一刻的迟疑,一步的放松。所以,行里有句话, translators can walk ; interpreters must run 。
1. remembering and memory
我们在 LAB 里做的第一步并不是一句句,或一大段的同步传译,而是 repeat all what is being said ,目标是原句,原词,而不是 paraphrase 。这第一场,我的阵脚就有些乱。这里有我老师在上课两周后的写给我的电邮里的一段话:
Yes, there is no problem with paraphrasing, but you have to watch out that the register stays the same, e.g. to paraphrase "Please, have a seat" with "Sit down" is grammatically correct, but not register-wise. You also can alter the word position as long as it doesn't interfere with English word order which can be quite precise at times.
All in all, my advice is:
Change as little as possible because you have to think for to long and the risk of making mistakes is too high. Rather train your memory.
这就面临了要 train my memory 。这应该怎么 train 呢?第一,我把当地的官方报纸的电子版做为我的电脑首页,把一些重要新闻存档成 word 文本, highlight 出来生词,坚持收听当地新闻。尽管如此,三周过去了,我觉得我 repeat 的精准度并没有很大的进步。毕竟我们的课设置是一个 part time 的课程,一周仅三小时密集训练,成败与否还要靠自己课下训练。且新闻很快,很难做到边听边 repeat 。
悟,有一天我突然想到了,我应该把新闻, talk show 之类