



凡事有始有终,今年花了将近一年的时间,把十二年写的“普通人家十年一千万理财计划” 做了一个总结。我把所有的理财经历,我的投资的方法,经验教训形成了一本书。





全文按照0-1万,1万-10万,10万-100万,100万-1000万美元四个数量级的增长历程。 再现了我的他投资经历。 主要内容涵盖我自己投资理财的成长史,我是怎么获得投资理财的知识的,以及2007-2018年的我涉及的三个大的投资的来龙去脉:投资中国房地产,次贷危机湾区抄底,持有比特币。


在这本书里,我投资的核心理念就是“会走路的钱”。这几乎的融汇在我的每个投资决定中。 钱是会走路的,即使你把钱压在箱子里,抱在被窝里,换成金银股票放在保险柜里,都挡不住钱会像长脚一样走来走去。投资理财,就是要专找那些别人看不见,正在走路的钱。

在充分效率的市场,用懒人投资法;在非充分效率的市场,用勤快人投资法。投资要跟着屌丝年轻人走,你只需要比New money抢先一步,永远不要和Old money拼体力。



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第一章 节俭是一种美德        

第二章 存1/3的收入    

第三章 从0到1万美元        

第四章 从1到10万美元      

第五章 从10到100万美元  

第六章 会走路的钱       

第七章 懒人理财法       

第八章 勤快人理财法    

第九章 投资不是为了退休    

第十章 为追求财富正名        

第十一章 普通家庭十年一千万投资理财计划     

第十二章 从MBA到投行     

第十三章 从100到1000万(一)抢房       

第十四章 啃老是可耻的        

第十五章 从100到1000万(二)抄底!抄底!        

第十六章 在美国做房东        

第十七章 从100到1000万(三)比特币   












Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2020
Verified Purchase
Reviewed in the United States on February 9, 2020
Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2020
Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2020
Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2020









Showing 1-7 of 7 reviews
Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2020
Over the last decade, if you ever put down your money in the housing market in China's Tier 1 cities or big cities on the US coasts, you ever regret you did not to buy more, hate cash in our pocket was not deep enough, or sold your properties much earlier, this book would be recommended.

You will be resonated and hear the heart beating of the author, when reading how he overcome all downpay and loan challenges after he determined to buy 8 properties in the San Francisco Bay Areas. It's awesome!
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Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2020
This is a great book about how to think about wealth and make money in a simple, practical way. The author brings tons of insights on how to manage money, how to invest, and use his real experience and stories to show how to succeed. Its so real and close to average people, and it’s entertaining to read. It’s a must read book for everyone.
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Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2020
I like the real experience the author shared, and how he did it. Although I will not try bitcoin, but will definitely try real estate. Honest and valuable experience.
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Reviewed in the United States on February 9, 2020
After I finished reading the 1, I could not wait to this 2. This set of books are very helpful and answered a lot of the questions bothering me for a while. The author talked very detailed of what challenges he has met and how he overcome them. I am meeting the same kind of challenges too and thank the author can be so unselfishly sharing with all the readers. This book is a blessing! His books remind me an old saying : Direction is more important than diligent!
Personally, I feel it is my lucky that I find this set of books and finished reading them. I think I may need to read them again to make the future direction clearer.
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Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2020
This book transcend the race and border regard that how an ordinary people reverse spell of their fate and ther life. The down to earth steps and principles is so obvious and accessible for the mass but but “easier said than done. All wisdom works only if only you apply in real life. Execution and persistence is key factors for success. Worthy reading and beneficial lifelong
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Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2020
Life could be changed after reading this book.

It’s a Dream, a big Goal. The author shows step by step how to make the right choice to achieve his goal.

I believe that anyone follows his method and work hard will realize their true potential.
One person found this helpful
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Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2020
The writing is concise and clear. Learned a lot. Thank you. The best book I have read for this year.
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Showing 1-10 of 10 reviews
Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2020
This book is an eye opener to me. It is basically a record of the author's investment practice in over a decade. The author did not just disclose the things he did and thought correctly, but also his mistakes and misses. As a reader, it like re-live the moment and so easy to connect myself to the situation. The author also go beyond the point of providing a vivid successful story and also illustrate his investment philosophy and methodology. It almost feels like you can produce the success. I feel grateful that I met the book. Strongly Recommended.
Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2020
Over the last decade, if you ever put down your money in the housing market in China's Tier 1 cities or big cities on the US coasts, you ever regret you did not to buy more, hate cash in our pocket was not deep enough, or sold your properties much earlier, this book would be recommended.

You will be resonated and hear the heart beating of the author, when reading how he overcome all downpay and loan challenges after he determined to buy 8 properties in the San Francisco Bay Areas. It's awesome!
Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2020
This is a great book about how to think about wealth and make money in a simple, practical way. The author brings tons of insights on how to manage money, how to invest, and use his real experience and stories to show how to succeed. Its so real and close to average people, and it’s entertaining to read. It’s a must read book for everyone.
Reviewed in the United States on February 21, 2020
You may not be able to repeat what the author's success but you will get a big idea about how other people make money. Very interesting book.
Reviewed in the United States on February 20, 2020
This book is very useful on investment. Arthur describes his own experience how to archive from 1000 to 10million in 10 year. I learn lots of knowledge from book.
Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2020
I like the real experience the author shared, and how he did it. Although I will not try bitcoin, but will definitely try real estate. Honest and valuable experience.
Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2020
The writing is concise and clear. Learned a lot. Thank you. The best book I have read for this year.
Reviewed in the United States on February 9, 2020
After I finished reading the 1, I could not wait to this 2. This set of books are very helpful and answered a lot of the questions bothering me for a while. The author talked very detailed of what challenges he has met and how he overcome them. I am meeting the same kind of challenges too and thank the author can be so unselfishly sharing with all the readers. This book is a blessing! His books remind me an old saying : Direction is more important than diligent!
Personally, I feel it is my lucky that I find this set of books and finished reading them. I think I may need to read them again to make the future direction clearer.
Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2020
This book transcend the race and border regard that how an ordinary people reverse spell of their fate and ther life. The down to earth steps and principles is so obvious and accessible for the mass but but “easier said than done. All wisdom works only if only you apply in real life. Execution and persistence is key factors for success. Worthy reading and beneficial lifelong
Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2020
Life could be changed after reading this book.

It’s a Dream, a big Goal. The author shows step by step how to make the right choice to achieve his goal.

I believe that anyone follows his method and work hard will realize their true potential.
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2020
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2020
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2020
Format: Kindle Edition
I am a CFA and professional investor. I have read most of the investment classics ranging from Graham, Fisher, Soros etc, not to mention all the modern financial theories that you learn from business school text books. From this book, you get an innovative and thought-provoking investment theory that is concluded from a totally different prospective and his real-life successful investment story. The author's core investment philosophy is: The value of a product greatly depends on the demand of its current and potential users. To maximize the returns, you need to use low-cost leverage on where such marginal change is the most. In other words. invest the asset that the group who will be rich must need in 5 years. This explained the phenomenon that classic value investing can't explain such as bitcoin. The bitcoin as a product doesn't generate any future cash flow thus it's worthless by value investors' eyes. However, it reveals its opportunities once looking through the author's investment framework: From the demand side, the players of the product changed from a small geek group to the worldwide audience, from poor startup programmers to affluent VC investors and fund managers. From the supply side, by its design nature, the new supply is significantly fewer. This creates a severe imbalance that leads the price of bitcoin roared to the sky no matter how value investors mock it.
The author has made his $10 million fortune starting from scratch, after successfully applying his theory to Silicon Valley real estate, Chinese real estate, and Bitcoin. He is now on the quest from $10 M to $100 M. I wish him the best and thank him for contributing this new prospective to the investor community.
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来源:  于 2020-02-08 01:01:52 




• 应该说 1-16 章 赢得一片赞叹,第17 章 引起争论。的确也不是一般人能实现的。 -大百百♂ 给 大百百 发送悄悄话 大百百 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 00:12:43

• 从出书的角度,建议把第17章散掉。这样能让此书成为更多人的宝典。 -大百百♂ 给 大百百 发送悄悄话 大百百 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 00:24:39

• 非常感谢你的点评,本书的目的和传统理财书不太一样 -BayFamily♂ 给 BayFamily 发送悄悄话 BayFamily 的博客首页 BayFamily 的个人群组 (739 bytes) (121 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 07:35:41

• 感谢贝班出书分享他的黄金思维。 -圭妈♀ 给 圭妈 发送悄悄话 圭妈 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 11:33:15

• 谢谢分享! -green2008♂ 给 green2008 发送悄悄话 green2008 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 12:46:20

• 十几年过去了,早已物是人非。想到这里会有些伤感 -BayFamily♂ 给 BayFamily 发送悄悄话 BayFamily 的博客首页 BayFamily 的个人群组 (432 bytes) (37 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 18:33:49

• 买了书,等待寄过来???? -Mumaren1107♀ 给 Mumaren1107 发送悄悄话 Mumaren1107 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 16:52:00

• 纸质书比较慢 -BayFamily♂ 给 BayFamily 发送悄悄话 BayFamily 的博客首页 BayFamily 的个人群组 (97 bytes) (22 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 18:28:41

• 牛人 -blogcity♂ 给 blogcity 发送悄悄话 blogcity 的博客首页 blogcity 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 18:42:01

• 牛人 -coliphage♂ 给 coliphage 发送悄悄话 coliphage 的博客首页 coliphage 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 20:30:00

• 谢谢贝班在书里毫无保留地分享了他成功背后的思维模式,真后悔没有早一点看到。 -DreamSeeds♀ 给 DreamSeeds 发送悄悄话 DreamSeeds 的博客首页 DreamSeeds 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 20:37:56

• 我想知道1000万之后的投资和消费的变化,这和之前的旧有的观念已经不一样了。有这方面的信息和经验吗? -Nas3350♂ 给 Nas3350 发送悄悄话 Nas3350 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 20:44:00

• 一口气读完大作,谢谢你分享的不仅是赚钱之道、更是你的为人之道和人生真谛。收益良多,致谢! -hiccupbaby♀ 给 hiccupbaby 发送悄悄话 hiccupbaby 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 02/05/2020 postreply 21:42:20

• 强烈推荐!!读这本书绝对是我目前做的最好投资之一 -myuskids♀ 给 myuskids 发送悄悄话 myuskids 的个人群组 (1812 bytes) (12 reads) 02/06/2020 postreply 10:33:32

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