灵子: 四十岁后的女人

灵子: 四十岁后的女人


Women after 40


How old are you? Will you tell me your age without hesitation if youare a woman over 40?  Some of us are afraid to tell our real age.  Why?A few years ago, one of my co-workers got upset when people threw abirthday party for her when she turned 40. I am sure you have heard thephrase, "Over the Hill". I did not understand it when the first time Iheard it. People explained to me that the age 40 is the top of thehill, and after the 40, life goes down hill. Is being 40 years old thatbad? Is there really a hill? I am 42 now.  How come I am not feeling mylife going down hill already? In my dictionary, the age 40 is just asbeautiful as the age 20, or is just as beautiful as 60 or 80.  Age isjust a number, a counter of life span.  

Here is a story I would like to share with you:

Two weeks ago, I watched an Oprah Winfred Show.  Oprah brought a ladynamed Evonne to the stage. Oprah asked the audience to guess how oldEvonne was.  The audience just randomly guessed between 35 and50.  Actually Evonne is 70 years old this year. When Evonne goes outwith her 50-year-old son, people think she's his date!  Evonne takescare of herself by exercising right, eating right, and she has onesecret she shared with the audience. The secret is moisturizing.  Shemoisturizes everyday. We should start to do it too, hmm?   One thing Evonne is doing right is taking care of herself.  

Another lady is Marcia.  When Marcia was a little girl, she was crazyabout horses.  She lived in the city, so she never could get her ownhorse.  In her mid-40s, Marcia decided to reshape her life;  she packedup and moved to Austin, Texas. She bought her first horse just beforeher 47th birthday and she got her Bachelor's degree at age 50. Marciaeven turned her love of horses into a business. She looks beautiful andyoung.  Marcia says that things that keep her looking young are herattitude and the fact that she is doing what she loves to do. Shefollowed her dream. We need to follow our dream, don’t we? We need todo something we enjoy.

How can we live a beautiful life and have a young heart? I was thinking over and over.

First, a caring and loving heart. With that, we admire people aroundus, we help the people who need help, and we accept people who evenmade mistakes.

At the age of 40, most women are somebody’s wife, somebody’s mom,somebody’s daughter, somebody’s sister, or somebody’s friend.  We playmany roles, and we have a lot of responsibilities. One key role wesometimes forget is caring for ourselves.

So secondly, we owe ourselves the responsibility to take care ofourselves. If we don’t, how is that possible we can be strong enough totake care of others?

The third, a hobby or a special talent you enjoy. You are passionateabout it and love to do it even when you are alone. Some people like tosing, dancing, reading, music and sports, anything you have fun withit.

The last and foremost is friendship. The real friends are always therefor you no matter if you are up or down. They cheer you up, and comfortyou or even remind or alert you when they think necessary.

You can see I am expecting for my third baby now. Things are notflexible as before; however, I still try to get many activities aspossible. Besides my full time work, and the care of my two young daughters,I enjoy singing, dancing, writing and many more other activities, See,I came tonight to give a speech since I did not want to miss thisopportunity to share my thought with you. Some people asked my age whenthey saw I am expecting, I always happily tell them that I am 42 years,and still expecting the baby, and still expecting many other beautifulthings in my life.  

Monday and Tuesday this week was winter break for Northville schooldistrict. I took two days off and with girls. We had a blasted timetogether. We planned to go out for lunch, movie and sledding. The mostsparkling time on that day was when I watched the girls go sleddingfrom the top of the hill.  They screamed with joy.  I can not sled withmy current shape, so I sat in my car comfortably, with soft jazz musicon. Through the window, I could see the girls flying on their sledswith a beautiful white snow background, the sunshine was reflectinginto my car. I also could feel the kicking from my tummy. That moment,with seeing kids flying, music, sun and kicking, I felt great! I feltlife was just precious, I am very thankful for everything I have.

Even though I am over 40, I do not think I am over the hill yet. Ifthere is a hill, the top must be at the front door to heaven.  We cannot predict when God will take us. But before that, life should bealways going up hill. <>  should not evenbe a topic, since there is no boundary anywhere. My friends, that is myreal thought.  Let’s open our eyes and hearts to see beautiful worldaround us, enjoy our beautiful and precious life in any moment.






两星期前,我无意中观看到Oprah Winfred主持的电视剧。Oprah在台上首先介绍了一位嘉宾Evonne,让观众猜她的年纪。大家估计Evonne 在三十五到五十之间。实际上,Evonne今年七十岁,当Evonne 和她五十岁的儿子一起散步的时候,人们认为他和她是约会的伴侣!Evonne的养生之道在于吃得营养健康和坚持锻炼。她说还有个秘密就是每天都需要均匀地涂上护肤品。我们也应该开始这么做,对吧?  Evonne 做的很正确的一件事就是照顾好自己。













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