


With thanks to Bob Dylan for inspiration from “Blowing in the Wind”...a young poet writes in TX:


How many men must be shot in our land, before we wake up and agree?

How many children must die in our schools, in the wake of a shooting spree?

How many souls can AR's fell, promising they keep us free?

How many guns will we just sell, before checks are mandatory?

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind


How many times can we turn a blind eye and let a mass shooting be?

How many times can we live with ourselves offering tears and sympathy?

How many times do we blame mental health for every tragedy?

The answer my friend, is using your voice, not letting the status quo be.


How many loved ones must bite the dust, when soulless men use ill-begotten guns?

How many times will lawmakers hide, and turn a deaf ear to the peoples’ cries?

When will senators listen to our pleas, and stand up to the gun lobby?

The answer my friend is loud and clear, the answer is screaming in the wind

The answer my friend, is VOICING OUR CHOICE...the answer is shouting in the wind!

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来源: 文学城-shparis
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