The Lord's Passion主受难日(三日庆典之二)

The Lord's Passion主受难日(三日庆典之二)



有一首歌叫圣母玛利亚可知晓?Mary Did You Know?
Mary did you know 圣母你可知晓
That your baby boy 你的圣婴
Would someday walk on water 有一天会平步水上
Mary did you know 圣母你可知晓
That your baby boy 你的圣婴
Will save our sons and daughters 有一天会拯救我们的儿女
Did you know 你可知晓
That your baby boy 你的圣婴
Has come to make you new 已经来到使你获得新生
The child that your've delivered 你孕育的这个圣婴
Will soon deliver you 很快将救赎你

Mary did you know 圣母你可知晓
That your baby boy 你的圣子
Will give sight to a blind man 能施盲人以视觉
Mary did you know 玛丽亚你可知晓
That your baby boy 你的圣子
Will calm the storm with his hand 能用手掌平息风暴
Did you know that your baby boy 你可知晓你的圣婴
Has walked where angels trod 走过了天使走过之处
When you kiss your little baby 当你亲吻你的小宝贝
You've kissed the face of God 你已亲吻了上帝的面容
The blind will see 盲者将目明
The deaf will hear 聋者将闻声
The dead will live again 死者将生还
The lame will leap 跛者将疾行
The dumb will speak 哑者当言语
The Praises of the Lamb 赞美耶稣羔羊

Mary did you know 圣母你可知晓
That your baby boy 你的圣婴
Is Lord of all creation 是创造万物的主
Mary did you know 圣母你可知晓
That your baby boy 你的圣婴
Will one day rule the nations 有一天将辖管万邦
Did you know 你可知晓
That your baby boy 你的圣婴
Is heaven's perfect Lamb 是上天的完美羔羊
This sleeping child you're holding 你怀中所抱熟睡婴儿
Is the Great I Am 是伟大万能的主


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圣母怜子图 the Pieta

Ode to the Sculptor Michelangelo

by my daughter Michelle Angela (when she was 12)

Out of the rough white stone
Working tirelessly throught the night alone
He chisels and grinds
To the vision that is only in his mind
A master from long ago
He is the sculptor Michelangelo

Moses, seated, holding the Ten Commmandments in his muscular right hand
A mighty figure sitting tall and grand
Sternly look to the side
With his flowing beard like tangeled vines
Sandaled right leg and foot exposed
Carved by the sculptor Michelangelo

David, muscular, youthful, standing gallant and great
Sling slung over his left shoulder, his right leg supporting his full weight
Furrowed brow, eyes focused and ready for battle, looking into the distance
Capturing youthful human beauty in its timeless existence
His is not stone, but a figure with a spirit and soul of his own
Brought to life by the hand of the sculptor Michelangelo

The Pieta, with the youthful Mary's expression so sorrowful yet serene
The lifeless body of Christ cradled in her arms between
The drapery of Mary's dress flowing down in thick folds and creases
Carved when he was twenty-three, his master piece among master pieces
The sacrifice and suffering, the anguish and agony, we will never know
To create such beauty, God gave the world the sculptor Michelangelo


秋天时,与妈妈和米雪上山,林间小路上有象征主受难的十字苦路,Stations of the Cross, 一共十四站,也有的是加上一个耶稣复活的第十五站。今天我们会再回到那里拜十字苦路,我想那里会有很多朝圣的人。每个教堂里都有苦路,和平共处,可以不同意观点,但是尊重你的家庭背景和选择,保持自己的价值观。天主是爱,心之甘饴,爱之共融。不为改变别人,只要活出最好的自我。

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第二站: 耶稣背十字架

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第十二站:圣母和妇女及圣约翰(若望) 站在十字架下,主说, “女人,看你的儿子!”对若望说:“看,你的母亲!”圣母无痛生下圣婴,此刻她的心在滴血,诞生了千千万万的儿女。可以说,教会诞生在十字圣架之下,也可以说,教会生日在五旬节,Pentecost的圣灵降临在每个人心里,燃起那爱的火焰。

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现在我正在看电视上,圣彼得大殿十字圣架朝拜仪式,人们恭敬地走上前,亲吻十字架,想起一首儿歌,最甜蜜的木架,最甜蜜的钉,sweetest wood and sweetest iron, sweetest weight is hung on thee...最终那苦难也变甘甜。

pie jesu


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来源: 文学城-京燕花园