这里是Natick, Mile 8 或Mile 9.
进入Newton镇, Mile 16.
这是第一个Newton Hill, I-95号州际高速公路从下面穿过.
来到Heartbreak Hill坡下, Commonwealth Ave. 与 Grant Ave.
在Heartbreak Hill爬坡(1)
在Heartbreak Hill爬坡(2)
在Heartbreak Hill爬坡(3)
胜利翻越Heartbreak Hill, 来到Boston College门前 (Mile 21)
在Boston College门前, 学生们在加油助威
波士顿学院门前. Mile 21 (One of my favorite landmarks)
经过Saint Ignatius教堂门前.
再往前路左边就能见到波士顿城铁MBTA的铁轨, 已经进入波士顿的City Limit.
这一带叫Cleveland Circle, 由Chestnut Hill Ave拐入Beacon St.. 前面即将进入波市外围的Brookline镇.
Mile 24 地标就在Beacon St.和Charles St.路口.
再次进入波士顿城界. 路左边是Ruggles浸信会教堂. 胜利在望: 前方的Citgo石油公司红色三角形商标距离finish line还有大约一英里. 那个地方叫Kenmore Square. 到那儿还要爬个小坡.
又回到Commonwealth Ave. 这儿是Charlesgate E街口. “The Pru”遥遥在望.
从Commonwealth Ave向右拐入Hereford St. 正对着的是Hynes会议中心(就是波马Expo的地方).
在左转就是Boylston St. Finish line就在前面5-6百米的地方. 冲刺的时候到了!
I apologize for the quality of those photos, partly due to the camera I used – it lacked the essential VR (vibration reductions) function. The other troublesome attribute was the long shutter delay, causing distortions of some of images. But, the compactness, light weight, waterproof feature of this camera outweighed other drawbacks.
The idea of taking pictures along the way was to heed the advice of my coach, who guided me through my BQ journey: “For your first Boston Marathon, run 1 minute slower than the pace you could, to enjoy the course, landmarks, and the crowds”. Taking pictures slowed me down, but only by a few seconds per mile. No one I knew of had done that. So the experience was unique, certainly memorable.