医学生日记2016年6月28日- 五个规则和两个故事

医学生日记2016年6月28日- 五个规则和两个故事


医学生日记2016年6月28日- 五个规则和两个故事
阿山 (庞静译)二零一六年六月二十八日


  1. 任何一个女人抱怨几个月的肚子胀,总觉得饱饱的,没有胃口 --- 你必须考虑卵巢癌。
  2. 任何一个女人停经之后阴道出血 --- 除非证明不是,应该是子宫癌。
  3. 任何一个女人抱怨性交之后出血 --- 除非证明不是,应该是子宫颈癌。
  4. 任何一个女人抱怨外阴部痒 --- 除非证明不是,是外阴部癌。
  5. 不要依赖图象分析师,一定要自己亲自看图象。


故事 1 --- 子宫颈癌




看过这些病人之后,医生讲了一通非常挫折感的气话。她并不是对我或任何人生气。她就是在医生办公室里简单地骂人、发泄。99%的子宮颈癌是人体病毒(HPV)引起的,同样的病毒引起生殖器疣。现在已经有了HPV的疫苗。她怒气冲冲地说:“我们可以消除子宫颈癌,但是美国人对于任何有关性交的事情就是这么蠢。真可恶!我很遗憾我的话让你们在场的人不舒服。其实我才不在乎。” 她说的是事实。理论上说,如果用了疫苗,美国人几乎可以完全避免子宫颈癌。但是,现在只有30%的青少年用了这种疫苗。为什么?很多家长认为HPV是性交传染。让孩子用疫苗就等于鼓励孩子无所顾忌的性交。所以他们不让孩子用这个疫苗。想一想,这些孩子长大成人之后,有了正常的性生活,接触了HPV,再考虑使用疫苗就太晚了。然后,就是因为这些家长对性交的排斥,造成了新一批的子宫颈癌患者。


故事 2 --- 卵巢癌


我在妇科癌症中心那个星期跟了一个病人。我初见她时,她几乎没有知觉,非常严重的智能下降 - 她不记得她是谁,她在哪。她非常的衰弱,营养不良。她基本上是皮,骨头,和膨胀很大的肚子。她怎么到了这个份上?



妇科肿瘤医生对此很不爽。她说:“我就想试试,解决她的问题。” 肠阻可以通过手术改道,让食物进入好肠子的部份,而不是阻塞的部份。妇科肿瘤医生坚持说“我要带她进手术室。我不知道这是对是错,但是至少我们不是袖手旁观她的死亡。” 麻醉医生对她的提议不感冒。大家都在劝阻她。病人死在手术台上的几率大于50%。 尽管病人在手术中活下来,还有一个更大的可能是病人成了植物人永远醒不过来了。




Journal 20160628

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 – 5 Rules and 2 Stories

I have finished my Gynecology Oncology rotation for several weeks now, but have been delayed writing about it. It was only a one-week rotation, but it has been one of the most profound experiences of medical school for me so far. The doctor left us students with 5 important rules for all future doctors to remember. I will recap two stories that will emphasize the importance of those rules.

1.     Any woman that complains of several months of abdominal bloating, feeling full all the time, and losing her appetite – you have to consider ovarian cancer.

2.     Any woman that has vaginal bleeding after menopause – it is uterine cancer until proven otherwise.

3.     Any woman that complains of routine bleeding after sex – it is cervical cancer until proven otherwise.

4.     Any woman that complains of vulvar itching – it is vulvar cancer until proven otherwise.

5.     Do not rely on the radiologist, always look at your own imaging

These rules are related to the number one symptom of each cancer, and are fairly unique to each cancer. However, other than uterine cancer, all of these cancers are diagnosed very late, either because the patient does not bring up the symptoms, the doctor does not ask, or the doctor does not think about these symptoms in relation to cancer. Thus, all of these cancers, except uterine, have miserable outcomes. Regarding uterine cancer, even the most reserved conservative and tolerant patient will immediately complain to their doctor if they have bleeding after menopause, hence uterine cancer is discovered early and survival is very good.

Story 1 – Cervical Cancer

Of the “woman cancers”, breast cancer is the number one killer of women worldwide. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the number two.  However, in the U.S. cervical cancer rates have fallen and ovarian cancer is now the number two “woman cancer” killer. Why is that? Since the U.S. instituted regular pap smear screening for women, the cervical cancer rate in the U.S. has fallen by 70%. My attending physician said right before we went in to see a cervical cancer patient, she fully believes that the world is capable of eliminating cervical cancer in her lifetime.

We go in to see the patient. She is the definition of a miserable mess. Even lightly touching her with the stethoscope causes her to howl and scream in pain. In all her pain, she can barely move within her confines of the wheelchair. Her daughter is trying to shield her granddaughters’ from her misery. The cervical cancer has spread to her lungs and brain. The chemotherapy she gets now is a desperate attempt to prolong her life and reduce her tumor burden, with the acknowledgement that this cancer will kill her.

We go in to see another cervical cancer patient. She is younger, no children or grandchildren like the above patient. She desperately wants to have children. She is luckier, her cervical cancer has been caught early. However, definitive treatment is the removal of her reproductive organs. The doctor has a tough conversation with her. She has the option of trying to have a child very soon and knowing that that will give this very aggressive cancer the opportunity to invade and become her death sentence, or treat the cancer and know she will never bear her own children.

After we these patients, the doctor has a very frustrated and angry conversation. She’s not angry specifically at me or anybody, she’s simply ranting and venting in the physician workroom. 99% of cervical cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), the same virus that causes genital warts. There is now a vaccine for HPV. She huffs “We could eliminate cervical cancer, but America has to be so goddamn fucking stupid about anything related to sex. Fuck that. I would say I’m fucking sorry to those of you in the room offended by my swearing, but I don’t fucking care”.  What she says is true, America could almost completely eliminate future cervical cancer with this vaccine in theory, however, the current vaccination rate in children is only 30%. Why? A lot parents believe that since HPV is a sexually transmitted infection, vaccinating their children will somehow encourage their children to be more sexually reckless. A lot of parents even refuse to think about their children having sex in their future adult lives, so they refuse to consider the vaccine in their childhood. Well, once those children become adults and become sexually active and become exposed to HPV, it will be too late for the vaccine, and a new generation of cervical cancer patients will be created because some parents did not like the idea of sex.

I could see how the doctor would be extremely angry and frustrated too.

Story 2 – Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is terrifying. It is almost inevitable ably a death sentence. Again, like cervical cancer, it can affect both old and young women. The 5-year survival rate is only 25%. And of those 25% survivors, 80% will have cancer recurrence that will ultimately kill them.

For my week on GynOnc, I followed one inpatient. When I met her, she was barely conscious and had severely declining mental status – she couldn’t remember who she was or where she was. She was extremely frail and malnourished, she was essentially skin, bones, and a big bloated belly. How did she get to this point?

Ovarian cancer is insidious. The only symptoms it creates are related to its size. First, a woman might feel she’s getting a bit bloated and getting full a bit easier. Most will think this is a fairly normal part of aging and start eating a bit less. As their tumors get larger and press on their bowels a bit more, they start losing their appetite. Again, the women think it might just be a natural part of aging, and perfect, they’ve started losing a bit of weight. There is rarely any pain or unbearable discomfort in this process. One patient we saw in the Emergency Department had a tumor the size of a watermelon and a 30lb weight loss and never experienced any pain. For my patient, she started realizing she was sick as she was eating and drinking less and less and losing more and more weight. However, she was terrified to be a medical burden or concern for her family, so she just kept bearing with and hoping it would get better on its own. Then one day, the tumor had finally reached a size that it completely closed off her bowels. Anything she ate or drank she quickly vomited. She had already lost a significant amount of weight and rapidly became extremely dehydrated and lost consciousness. Her mental function quickly declined after that. All of that finally brought her to the hospital.

After we these patients, the doctor has a very frustrated and angry conversation. She’s not angry specifically at me or anybody, she’s simply ranting and venting in the physician workroom. 99% of cervical cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), the same virus that causes genital warts. There is now a vaccine for HPV. She huffs “We could eliminate cervical cancer, but America has to be so goddamn fucking stupid about anything related to sex. Fuck that. I would say I’m fucking sorry to those of you in the room offended by my swearing, but I don’t fucking care”.  What she says is true, America could almost completely eliminate future cervical cancer with this vaccine in theory, however, the current vaccination rate in children is only 30%. Why? A lot parents believe that since HPV is a sexually transmitted infection, vaccinating their children will somehow encourage their children to be more sexually reckless. A lot of parents even refuse to think about their children having sex in their future adult lives, so they refuse to consider the vaccine in their childhood. Well, once those children become adults and become sexually active and become exposed to HPV, it will be too late for the vaccine, and a new generation of cervical cancer patients will be created because some parents did not like the idea of sex.

I could see how the doctor would be extremely angry and frustrated too.

Story 2 – Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is terrifying. It is almost inevitably a death sentence. Again, like cervical cancer, it can affect both old and young women. The 5-year survival rate is only 25%. And of those 25% survivors, 80% will have cancer recurrence that will ultimately kill them.

 For my week on GynOnc, I followed one inpatient. When I met her, she was barely conscious and had severely declining mental status – she couldn’t remember who she was or where she was. She was extremely frail and malnourished, she was essentially skin, bones, and a big bloated belly. How did she get to this point?

Ovarian cancer is insidious. The only symptoms it creates are related to its size. First, a woman might feel she’s getting a bit bloated and getting full a bit easier. Most will think this is a fairly normal part of aging and start eating a bit less. As their tumors get larger and press on their bowels a bit more, they start losing their appetite. Again, the women think it might just be a natural part of aging, and perfect, they’ve started losing a bit of weight. There is rarely any pain or unbearable discomfort in this process. One patient we saw in the Emergency Department had a tumor the size of a watermelon and a 30lb weight loss and never experienced any pain. For my patient, she started realizing she was sick as she was eating and drinking less and less and losing more and more weight. However, she was terrified to be a medical burden or concern for her family, so she just kept bearing with and hoping it would get better on its own. Then one day, the tumor had finally reached a size that it completely closed off her bowels. Anything she ate or drank she quickly vomited. She had already lost a significant amount of weight and rapidly became extremely dehydrated and lost consciousness. Her mental function quickly declined after that. All of that finally brought her to the hospital.

 She was extremely sick. The medical team had a conversation with the family about the end of life, with the expectation that she would very likely die this hospital stay. Not only had the ovarian cancer completely compressed her bowels, it had already spread to her lungs. She was likely to never be able to eat again and would rely on IV nutrition. She had lost too much weight and was simply too sick to survive surgery.  The IV nutrition was not ideal to get her recovered to a state where chemotherapy would be possible. (Side note, in medicine, feeding through the gut is always more preferable compared to IV nutrition). To summarize, this patient was actively dying.

The GynOnc doctor wasn’t happy with the state of things. She simply said, “I want to try to fix her”. Bowel obstructions can be bypassed surgically, by looping up the good end to allow the contents to exit through the skin instead of hitting the obstructed point. The GynOnc doctor insisted “I want to take her to the operating room. I don’t know if it’s the right decision, but it beats sitting and watching her die”. Anesthesia was not happy with that idea. They kept trying to dissuade her. The patient had a greater than 50% chance of dying on the operating table. Even if she did survive the surgery, there was an even greater chance she would never be extubated or wake up.

The GynOnc doctor believed in her gut instinct in that she could do something surgically to fix the patient, and she convinced the patient and family to proceed with surgery, all while being very honest and realistic about her own doubts and the high chances of failure and death. She admitted to everybody involved in the decision making, she had no evidence that she could make this patient better other than her own gut instinct.

She took this patient to the operating room. Beforehand, she had thoroughly reviewed the limited CT imaging that had been done on the patient. This was enough. She made her cuts and grabbed the good loop of bowel and brought it up to the skin. She didn’t waste any time inspecting inside the abdomen or trying to find tumor she could resect. Looking at the prior imaging was enough to tell her what she could and couldn’t do. All in all, the surgery took about half an hour. Anesthesia was able to successfully wake the patient up and extubate her.

The next day was wondrous. The patient was conscious. We were able to give her a coke without her vomiting it up. The patient claimed the taste of coke was one of the happiest feelings she had had in several months. They were even able to help her stand up and move to a chair for a bit. This giant risk the doctor took was paying tremendous dividends. The medical team, patient, and family all knew this ovarian cancer was going to kill the patient. But, being able to eat and drink at the end of her life, regaining enough strength to go home and be with her family, being able to prolong her life by several months, those were great and important medical achievements in itself.

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来源: 文学城-晓海平静