医学生日记2016年5月31日 --- 责任

医学生日记2016年5月31日 --- 责任


医学生日记2016年5月31日 --- 责任

阿山 (庞静译)




















Tuesday, May 31, 2016 – Responsibility


 I am back onto the day shift for my second week of Labor & Delivery. In my first week, I had the opportunity to assist in 3 vaginal deliveries, personally delivering 3 of the placentas, and one middle-of-the night C-section. When comparing numbers to the other students on the rotation, there were several that had gone the entire first week without seeing a single vaginal delivery or C-section. No student so far had gotten to see more than me. Part of this is luck, our college town does not have the biggest population, and a population of childbearing women was proportionately smaller. However, I believe part of it is my own aggressive pursuit and control of my education. Medical students on the service are expected to only follow one or two patients per shift, but I come in wanting to see as many patients as I can. Consequently, I feel more comfortable and confident in the setting. That translates into the patients feeling more comfortable with having me in this important moment of their lives. That also translates into the residents trusting me enough to let me stick around and do more. This, I’m learning, is an important basic tenet of education: you must take responsibility for creating your own opportunities.


 Today, I was participating in vaginal delivery number 4. The proceedings were quite uneventful. I was allowed to deliver the placenta again. There were the good signs, the cord suddenly losing a bit of tension and a small gush of blood squirting up to my gowned elbow. We cleaned up and left mom to bond with her new baby and the rest of the family to adore and take many pictures.


 About an hour later, we get called back to the room. There is a lot of blood coming from mom’s vagina. As we walk in, we can hear it, almost like a gurgling spring, and we can see it, the dark red blood gushing in spurts out of her vagina. The resident presses on the mom’s belly a bit to apply pressure to her uterus, and the bleeding stops. We clean her up and as we’re turning to go, the gushing starts again. The resident manually examine her vagina and uterus. Big dark clots come tumbling out in a sludge of thick dark blood. Mom is becoming light-headed at the moment and has passed her baby off to grandma. We grab the ultrasound machine. All while this is happening, I’m trying to roughly explain in Spanish, because mom did not speak English, what is happening and what we’re trying to do.


 Another big gush of blood spurts out. I’m constantly replacing the towels under mom and I can feel how heavy they have become with soaked blood. A nurse is starting a second IV to pump fluid because mom is losing a lot of blood. The resident is doing the ultrasound and announces that there might still be placenta remaining in the uterus that is causing the bleeding and we might need to go emergently to the operating room to stop the bleeding.


 My stomach drops at this moment. All throughout our training so far, every thing we did was well supervised and controlled, there was little that we as medical students were allowed to do that could cause serious harm to patients. But here, this new mom was in danger of bleeding to death very rapidly, and it may have been because I improperly delivered the placenta. The thoughts were racing through my head. We had examined the placenta when I delivered it and it was intact. I almost considered digging through the red bio-waste garbage bin to look for the plastic carton that contained the placenta. I was very scared, but also conscious enough to try not to let it show on my face.  I was also trying my hardest to give the patient and her family a rough Spanish understanding. It was a weird balance of trying to balance the patient care and my own internal desperation and panic.


 The attending physician came to the room and immediately ordered a slew of drugs. As soon as all of them were administered, the bleeding stopped within 10 minutes. She explained to all of us in the room, with women that are slightly older and have had multiple pregnancies, like our patient, sometimes their uterus was slower to firm up after delivery. This allows the blood vessels to continue to leak and bleed. All the drugs she administered were to help the uterus firm up and gain muscle tone and essentially allow it clamp off its bleeding vessels.


 During this process, there were no placental fragments that came out with the bleeding. Repeated examinations and ultrasound showed no evidence of retained placenta. I was able to breathe a sigh of relief, it was not my action that had endangered this woman’s life. But it also has me thinking and realizing, for the rest of my life, I will be thinking about how my actions, in their intention to care, can cause serious harm to patients who have entrusted me with their health.


 That, is truly responsibility.


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来源: 文学城-晓海平静