



阿山 (庞静译)


早5:45 - 下午6:00


下午6:00 - 晚8:00





晚8:00 - 凌晨1:30





凌晨1:30 - 早晨5:30





早晨5:30 - 6:00


病人到了。显然她吃了很多药,试图自杀。她从高速公路下来时把车开到了100 mph, (相当于每小时160公里),车翻了好几个滚。急救车到达时,花了半个小时才把她从车里弄出来。当时,她一直都清醒着,愤怒地尖叫着,一心要死。


早晨6:00 以后



Friday April 15, 2016 – Overnight Call

For our general surgery rotation, we are required to take 3 nights of overnight call. It is intended to be predominantly a learning experience for us, there is little expectation for us to be high-functioning members of the overnight team. Hence, sometimes the overnight resident is less than enthused about having a medical student around. The rotation director encouraged us to be very active in our pursuit of this educational experience, such as staying with our overnight resident and following them around the hospital instead of going to the call room to sleep. My friends who had done it previously agreed that generally we should not expect to sleep on these shifts. The residents are instructed to page us when there is something we should see, but that does not always happen. Hence, most people never see the call-room with the bed other than to pick up and drop off the overnight pager.

5:45am – 6:00pm

I started my day as usual, reporting for Pediatric Surgery morning rounds. This day whole day wasn’t too busy, but we had a full day of clinic visits. All in all, this work day was pretty average. We were constantly occupied with tasks, but it never felt hectic or rushed.

6:00pm – 8:00pm


I got off my Pediatric Surgery work shift and picked up the overnight pager. The pager is kept in the on-call room, which is located in the corner of the hospital basement. By design, there is almost no internet connection in the room, and absolutely no cell phone connection. The only signal penetrating those walls were that for the hospital pager.


I changed into my gray surgical scrubs, which as a rule, we are not allowed to wear outside the hospital. This essentially limited me to having dinner in the cafeteria. The hospital cafeteria is extremely limited in its dinner selection, and I ended up just eating fried chicken tenders and drinking a bottle of coke. After a full 12-hour work day, this was just my first dose of caffeine. Having some junk food, caffeine, and sugar in my system, I felt excited and energetic to get started for my overnight shift.


I paged the resident on-call, telling him I was officially on for the night. I wait for an hour and there is no response. At this point, I don’t know if this is typical or if there is even anything going on I’m supposed to be participating in. The caffeine and sugar is backfiring and making me overly anxious instead of alert and energetic. I’m texting my friends who had already gone through this, asking about how they started the night. All of them told me to just calm down and wait, I will eventually be contacted, but none of them were able to pinpoint any time that I should expect. I sat down on the inpatient unit computer next to a classmate, who was still hard at work. I asked him what he was still doing here on Friday night, and he told me his regular hours were from 4am to 8pm, 6 days a week. My insides fluttered a little in despair. He was on the Colorectal Surgery Service, which I will be starting in a week and a half.


It’s 7pm and I still haven’t heard anything from my pager, so I send another message. This time, the resident calls me back. He tells me that I don’t need to contact him or follow him around. He’ll just send me a message if he feels there’s something I should see. Over the phone, he sounded disinterested and tired, and sense told me the last thing he would want is a medical student following him around all night. So I moved up to the Pediatric Surgery workroom, where I could still have cell phone signal, computer access, and wait for pages.




8:00pm – 1:30am


Most of this time, I was sitting in front of a computer watching Netflix. I was paged for one Emergency Department consult. I was to go down to the ED to get a patient history from a woman. They were deciding if she should go to surgery or not. In my excitement to participate, I didn’t think to look to closely at her medical records. I showed up and took a detailed history about her problem, got information on her background, and did some physical examination. By the time the resident showed up, I felt like I had already gotten a good understanding of the patient’s problem. In the time I was talking to her, the resident had reviewed her medical records instead. So by the time he showed up, he didn’t even need to hear any information from me or the patient. He just placed some orders with the emergency department doctors and said the patient didn’t need emergency surgery overnight. So this is around11pm and I’m feeling like my excitement and effort was pretty useless. I had expended time and energy using my patient interview and problem solving skills when a quick 5 minutes in front of the computer was enough to reach the same conclusion.


After this encounter, the resident told me I could go back to whatever I was doing and he was going back to doing things by himself. I slinked back up to my workroom. This experience sent my energy levels crashing, so I went back downstairs to get more Coke and a bagel.


I spent the next few hours watching more Netflix, trying to keep my eyelids open, compulsively flickering them over towards my pager, extremely fearful that maybe something was happening and I was missing it.


Finally, around 1:30, I was starting to feel extremely tired and cold. My friends all described the feeling of cold as a signal that they were hitting their physical and energy limits. I decided I was throwing in the towel, I wasn’t capable of staying up all night. I grabbed my things and headed towards the student lounge, where there was a couch I could sleep on without missing cell phone, internet, or pager signal.




1:30am – 5:30am


Of course as soon as I get to the lounge, my pager starts beeping. The Thoracic CardioVascular (TCV) team is emergently going to the operating room. The attending and fellow had been called in. These were high enough ranked people where they did not stay in the hospital overnight. They were called in from their homes to come oversee this surgery. This was already unusual enough, general surgery is all that is required to handle the overnight emergencies. The fact that TCV was called meant this was an unusual case. The suspicion was that this woman was bleeding from her stomach or esophagus into her lungs and other chest structures. Normally, the bleeding would be into the abdominal space, but this woman had some unusual anatomy due to previous surgeries, so the chief suspicion was that the bleeding was going into her chest, there was significant risk that the blood would compress her heart or airway, hence TCV was called. Also, if the bleeding wasn’t stopped, this patient was going to die pretty quickly.


I helped a little to prep the operating room. I scrubbed (full sterile gown, glove, and mask) into the procedure. During this procedure, the attending and fellow were very focused on quickly fixing the patient’s problem, for the sake of saving the patient’s life and the fact that they did not want to be in the hospital in the middle of the night either. The fellow did try to take a little time to teach me a bit about what was going on, but most of the time I was pulling back and holding open the incision site so they could work in the body space.


This turned into a three hour procedure, and I could feel my body crashing. I felt like I was constantly fighting to stay awake. I kept getting this rushing feeling that would start in my head, and it felt like all the blood in my body was falling down, through my stomach, to my feet. It was a weird mixture of nausea, light-headedness, being extremely heavy, and feeling shaky. I do not understand how I was able to stay standing and hold my hands steady during the entire procedure, but somehow I did.


After the incision was sewn up, I was able to do a lot in terms of cleaning up the patient, cleaning up the operating room, and helping transport the patient up to the ICU. Getting moving and having my blood circulating felt better than just standing next to the operating table, but the exhaustion was still inescapable. Everybody in the room was yawning, and you could see the dark circles under the surgeons’ eyes.




5:30am – 6:00am


As soon as I walk out of the ICU, I get another page. We are getting a B-level Trauma in the Emergency department. The B-level means the trauma is second level, where the patient is critically injured and there is suspected head trauma. A-level means there is significant problems to the patient’s vital signs and death could be imminent without significant intervention. So I power walk down to the ED, waiting for the ambulance to arrive. This I know I wouldn’t be participating in, but I would get the chance to see how the medical team cared for trauma patients.


The patient arrived. Apparently, she had taken a lot of illegal drugs and was trying to commit suicide. She drove her car at 100 mph (160 kilometers per hour) off the highway, and flipped it several times. Emergency services arrived and needed over half an hour to remove her from the car. During this time, she actually maintained consciousness and was screaming about how angry she was and she just wanted to die.


By the time she arrived at the ED, she was intubated and sedated. The trauma team very smoothly and efficiently began the trauma patient care protocol. I have never seen so many people function so calmly as a team in an emergency situation. They were quickly able to stabilize the patient. After they stabilized the patient, it was about time for my shift to end.




After 6:00am


I felt dizzyingly tired. I dragged myself into the parking lot, but I had to stop. The view of the sunrise over the mountains captivated me. I had arrived at the hospital before sunrise the day before, and I had not been outside or seen the sun since then. I took a minute just to enjoy the light. And then I drove home, showered, and went straight to sleep.


I was able to sleep for about 3 hours, until my internal clock dictated that I should be awake. I was able to relax and function throughout Saturday and went to bed at a normal hour. However, Sunday, I felt like I couldn’t get out of bed. The exhaustion finally hit me, and hit me hard. I ended up sleeping about 16 hours on Sunday. And just as I was feeling more recovered, it was Monday and it was time to go to work again.





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来源: 文学城-晓海平静