是这样的:a race denotes a large, geographically isolated population
within a species that has had little or no gene flow with other
populations for a long time.
population的定义比race简单的多,它只是:any group of people whose
members interbreed and who exhib
i don't understand why the terminology of race is an issue here.
race doesn't equal to species, which is very clear from your
citation. of course they can mate. hybrid doesn't fit into the
definition of race any way, unless they again formed a large
population of their own, such as latino.
you probably misunderstood species, race, and the chinese translations
like bai zhong(!) ren, huang zhong(!) ren, etc. this zhong is not
that zhong. hehe.

【在 q*****g 的大作中提到】
: 虽然经历了那么多的进化过程,人类作为一个物种的种间距离却是惊人的小。而且
: 目前人类正处在一个种间距离继续缩小而不是扩大的过程当中。
: 然而我们这个物种却最热衷于划分种间的不同集团,比如说种族,阶级等等。
: 简单点说,我们现在说的种族几乎不可能成为一个科学的概念。标准的race的定义
: 是这样的:a race denotes a large, geographically isolated population
: within a species that has had little or no gene flow with other
: populations for a long time.
: 目前的黄种人,白种人黑种人等跨种族的杂交是一点问题都没有的,所以其实从学
: 术的角度讲干脆不用race这个词完全没有问题。事实上很多现代人类学家就大力提
: 倡把这个词从人类学教课书里整个去掉,而以population来指代特定的人群。这个

just read the first sentence in translation club (didn't
read the whole previously). ft to death death death.
i don't know whether you created these words about "zhong3"
or copied them from somewhere with chinese. either way,
the understanding of "zhong3" is very wrong. maybe it's
just the language, or your way of translation. how come
"一个" 物种 has "种间距离" neh?

【在 q*****g 的大作中提到】
: 虽然经历了那么多的进化过程,人类作为一个物种的种间距离却是惊人的小。而且
: 目前人类正处在一个种间距离继续缩小而不是扩大的过程当中。
: 然而我们这个物种却最热衷于划分种间的不同集团,比如说种族,阶级等等。
: 简单点说,我们现在说的种族几乎不可能成为一个科学的概念。标准的race的定义
: 是这样的:a race denotes a large, geographically isolated population
: within a species that has had little or no gene flow with other
: populations for a long time.
: 目前的黄种人,白种人黑种人等跨种族的杂交是一点问题都没有的,所以其实从学
: 术的角度讲干脆不用race这个词完全没有问题。事实上很多现代人类学家就大力提
: 倡把这个词从人类学教课书里整个去掉,而以population来指代特定的人群。这个

Found from http://www.m-w.com/
1. Species: a category of biological classification ranking immediately below
the genus or subgenus, comprising related organisms or populations potentially
capable of interbreeding, and being designated by a binomial that consists of
the name of a genus followed by a Latin or latinized uncapitalized noun or
adjective agreeing grammatically with the genus name
2. Race: a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by
descent and sufficient to char

【在 i*e 的大作中提到】
: i don't understand why the terminology of race is an issue here.
: race doesn't equal to species, which is very clear from your
: citation. of course they can mate. hybrid doesn't fit into the
: definition of race any way, unless they again formed a large
: population of their own, such as latino.
: you probably misunderstood species, race, and the chinese translations
: like bai zhong(!) ren, huang zhong(!) ren, etc. this zhong is not
: that zhong. hehe.


yeah, i somehow dislike 4, it's too non-specific.
3, in my understanding, is what we called "zhong3 zu2" in chinese.
2, is what we called "ren2 zhong3" in chinese.
1, is what we called "zhong3",

【在 t*******n 的大作中提到】
: Found from http://www.m-w.com/
: 1. Species: a category of biological classification ranking immediately below
: the genus or subgenus, comprising related organisms or populations potentially
: capable of interbreeding, and being designated by a binomial that consists of
: the name of a genus followed by a Latin or latinized uncapitalized noun or
: adjective agreeing grammatically with the genus name
: 2. Race: a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by
: descent and sufficient to char

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