把苹果官网的两台mini2都退了# Apple - 家有苹果
1 楼
新AP去年CBET的proposal拖了7个月,今天收到拒信。 panel review recommended。三
个review是Very Good,Very Good, 和Very Good/Good。这样的状况要不要和Program
还有panel review weakness提到 “While the proposed aims are well-prepared
and rational, it seems that the majority of the objectives are extensions of
the PI's previous work.” 这样的comment应该怎样应对?
个review是Very Good,Very Good, 和Very Good/Good。这样的状况要不要和Program
还有panel review weakness提到 “While the proposed aims are well-prepared
and rational, it seems that the majority of the objectives are extensions of
the PI's previous work.” 这样的comment应该怎样应对?