British Airways to buy jet fuel from city waste# Aviation - 航空航天
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LONDON (Reuters) - British Airways will start sourcing a small portion of
its jet fuel from municipal waste from 2014, under a deal with U.S.-based
biofuel company Solena Group, the two companies announced on Monday.
British Airways, one of the top three airlines in Europe, said it had signed
a deal to purchase all the "sustainable jet fuel" that Solena could make
from a plant expected to be sited in London and operational from 2014.
The plant would convert 500,000 tonnes of waste annually into
its jet fuel from municipal waste from 2014, under a deal with U.S.-based
biofuel company Solena Group, the two companies announced on Monday.
British Airways, one of the top three airlines in Europe, said it had signed
a deal to purchase all the "sustainable jet fuel" that Solena could make
from a plant expected to be sited in London and operational from 2014.
The plant would convert 500,000 tonnes of waste annually into