Position: PhD in Computational Evolutionary Genomics (Geneva, Switzerland)
Position: PhD in Computational Evolutionary Genomics (Geneva, Switzerland)# Biology - 生物学
* PhD in Computational Evolutionary Genomics *
We are looking for a highly motivated and innovative PhD student to explore
the repertoire and the evolution of non-protein coding RNAs (ncRNAs) using
computational genomics.
The eukaryotic transcriptome appears now far more complex and extensive than
previously anticipated, with the majority of RNA transcripts originating
from outside of protein-coding genes. However, despite the increasing
interest in such transcripts, their number and functions, if any, remain to
be discovered. The exploration of this vast and yet largely unknown part of
the molecular repertoire will affect many aspects of our current
understanding of cellular machinery, and consequently, our ability to alter
cellular processes rationally.
The project will be supervised by Prof. E. Zdobnov at the Department of
Genetic Medicine and Development of the University of Geneva Medical School.
We are also part of the renowned Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, and
offer a stimulating research environment with excellent facilities and
opportunities for collaboration. The project funding is secured by the Swiss
National Science Foundation for 3 years with a possible extension, which
together with the Faculty topping up makes about 4,000 CHF/month. The
international city of Geneva, described as ʻthe smallest of the large
capitalsʼ, offers a vibrant city life within easy reach of the
picturesque lake and stunning Alps.
*Profile requirements*
The ideal candidate should have a strong background in bioinformatics,
molecular biology, or computer science with practical programming skills in
Unix environment and a good understanding of molecular biology and genetics.
A Diploma or MSc degree, and fluency in English are required.
*To apply*
Send your full CV, statement of research interests, names and contact
details of at least two referees by e-mail to E************[email protected] with
the subject “phd job 2011” as soon as possible or by 15 September 2011.