人也能光合作用!!!# Biology - 生物学
因为某些叶绿体基因通过PSI-BLASt在人上也能找到类似DNA序列。 我这个发现是啥水
受到韩春雨通过PSI-BLAST 找到NgAgo的启发吧!人也能光合作用,绝对是诺奖级的,
[在 greattigris (Dalaohu) 的大作中提到:]
:因为某些叶绿体基因通过PSI-BLASt在人上也能找到类似DNA序列。 我这个发现是啥水
The skin is responsible for producing vitamin D. During exposure to sunlight
, ultraviolet radiation penetrates into the epidermis and photolyzes
provitamin D3 to previtamin D3. Previtamin D3 can either isomerize to
vitamin D3 or be photolyzed to lymisterol and tachysterol. Vitamin D is also
sensitive to sunlight and is photolyzed to 5,6-transvitamin D3, suprasterol
I, and suprasterol II.

【在 g*********s 的大作中提到】
: 因为某些叶绿体基因通过PSI-BLASt在人上也能找到类似DNA序列。 我这个发现是啥水
: 平的呢?

The rods and cones of the retina in the eye.
The rods are sensitive to low light intensity
The cones are sensitive to high light intensity
When light enters the eye, it comes in contact with the photosensitive
chemical rhodopsin (also called visual purple). Rhodopsin is a mixture of a
protein called scotopsin and 11-cis-retinal -- the latter is derived from
vitamin A (which is why a lack of vitamin A causes vision problems).
Rhodopsin decomposes when it is exposed to light because light causes a
physical change in the 11-cis-retinal portion of the rhodopsin, changing it
to all-trans retinal. This first reaction takes only a few trillionths of a
second. The 11-cis-retinal is an angulated molecule, while all-trans retinal
is a straight molecule. This makes the chemical unstable. Rhodopsin breaks
down into several intermediate compounds, but eventually (in less than a
second) forms metarhodopsin II (activated rhodopsin). This chemical causes
electrical impulses that are transmitted to the brain and interpreted as
light. Here is a diagram of the chemical reaction we just discussed:
Activated rhodopsin causes electrical impulses in the following way:
The cell membrane (outer layer) of a rod cell has an electric charge. When
light activates rhodopsin, it causes a reduction in cyclic GMP, which causes
this electric charge to increase. This produces an electric current along
the cell. When more light is detected, more rhodopsin is activated and more
electric current is produced.
This electric impulse eventually reaches a ganglion cell, and then the optic
The nerves reach the optic chasm, where the nerve fibers from the inside
half of each retina cross to the other side of the brain, but the nerve
fibers from the outside half of the retina stay on the same side of the
These fibers eventually reach the back of the brain (occipital lobe). This
is where vision is interpreted and is called the primary visual cortex. Some
of the visual fibers go to other parts of the brain to help to control eye
movements, response of the pupils and iris, and behavior.
Eventually, rhodopsin needs to be re-formed so that the process can recur.
The all-trans retinal is converted to 11-cis-retinal, which then recombines
with scotopsin to form rhodopsin to begin the process again when exposed to

【在 g*********s 的大作中提到】
: 因为某些叶绿体基因通过PSI-BLASt在人上也能找到类似DNA序列。 我这个发现是啥水
: 平的呢?

Could Human Photosynthesis Power The Future?
Posted By: phunkychic666 MAY 4, 2011
Chlorophyll. Photo: Wilfredo R. Rodriguez H. (CC)
Chlorophyll. Photo: Wilfredo R. Rodriguez H. (CC)
By Hank Mills for Pure Energy System News:
Dr. Arturo Solis Herrera has developed a technology that utilizes the
properties of melanin – the animal analogue to chlorophyll. His melanin
based (polihydroxyindol) photo-cell absorbs a broad spectrum of
electromagnetic radiation, and converts it into electricity. He has also
developed a pharmaceutical claimed to enhance human “photosynthesis” for
increased health.
Plants utilize the green pigment chlorophyll to absorb energy from sunlight
to breakdown carbon dioxide into sugars. This is well known, and taught in
probably every elementary school across the world. What is not as well known
, is that the dark colored pigment called melanin found in the skin of
humans and other mammals can absorb various types of electromagnetic
radiation. In fact, melanin appears capable of absorbing a much broader
spectrum of such radiation than chlorophyll. This was proven when scientists
noticed various fungi growing in radioactive environments actually seemed
to be thriving. Testing of these fungi proved the melanin producing their
dark color was absorbing gamma radiation and converting it to energy. The
article, “Ionizing Radiation Changes the Electronic Properties of Melanin
and Enhances the Growth of Melanized Fungi” published by Ekaterina
Dadachova reviews this discovery.
Long before the above article was published, Mexican researcher Dr. Auturo
Solis Herrera (medical surgeon, ophthalmologist, and pharmacologist) of the
Human Photosynthesis Study Center was performing research on disorders of
the human eye. His team started discovering the importance of the pigment
Melanin (known by the chemical name polihydroxyindol) in regards to eye
conditions. For some reason, Melanin seemed to protect the tissues of the
eye, but his team could not completely understand why the protective effect
was taking place. After extracting and applying melanin therapeutically to
the eyes of patients, they saw results they claim were impressive.
As time passed it was discovered that melanin was actually collecting energy
from electromagnetic radiation, and using it to split water atoms into
hydrogen, oxygen, and four additional electrons. This process can also act
in reverse. Such a reaction is not exothermic (releasing energy) but
endothermic (storing energy). Dr. Auturo Herrera claims that the hydrogen
atom is then sent to cells where it can be recombined with oxygen to produce
energy (human body version of a fuel cell). The cells can then use this
energy to supplement the sugars the body provides them. In this process,
melanin acts like a catalyst which promotes the chemical reaction, but is
not consumed by it. …
Our discovery of the intrinsic property of melanin to dissociate and reform
the water molecule is a finding that completely changes the current scenario
, it breaks paradigms and dogmas not only in cell biology but in several
areas of human knowledge, and the medical field is not an exception.
Melanin, the human chlorophyll
The unexpected capacity of melanin to dissociate and reform the water
molecule can be represented as follows:
2H2O ↔ 2H2 + O2 + 4e-
Melanin can transform light energy into chemical energy through the
dissociation of the water molecule. This fills a void, because it was not
possible, so far; to determine how or at what point the energy of the
relatively inert substances we ingest to feed and cellular processes are
The current dogma is that glucose is the energy source par excellence of the
human body, but is a paradigm that has many gaps. For starters, firmly
believes that the transformation of glucose or pyruvate to ATP takes place
in the mitochondria, mainly; but in spite that mechanism is described
extensively in biochemistry books is still a theory.
The definition of theory (Greek Thoros: viewer) reads as follows: a number
of assumptions, proposals, or accepted facts that attempt to provide a
plausible explanation or rational causation -Cause-effect-among a group of
observed phenomena, and stresses the fact that all theories are only mental
models of reality is perceived.
The theory in question (Mitchell′s Chemiosmotic Theory), about the
formation of ATP by the mitochondria is called chemo-osmotic theory of Peter
Mitchell, which is based on an alleged motive force created by the
concentration of protons (proton motive force) in the membrane interspace
mitochondria, and that is what would drive the rotation of ATP synthase, but
no one has been able to experimentally demonstrate that proton
concentration; and on the other hand, most researchers, unfortunatedly;
simply repeat what they read in books.
Therefore, there are significant inconsistencies regarding the electron
transport complexes located in the mitochondrial crest, and that this
explanation does not resolve fundamental doubts.
For instance, the amount of ATP that contains the human body (about 50 grams
) does not match the estimated energy needs, as it has been estimated that
on average 70 kg human being requires between 100 and 180 kilos of ATP daily.
Seeks to explain the inconsistency with expressions such as amplification of
ATP, but in physicochemical terms is meaningless, since energy is neither
created nor destroyed, only transformed. That is, 100 or 180 kg da ATP
required can not come from food.
E = mc2
Albert Einstein proved with his famous equation (E = mc2), the mass can be
converted into energy if we accelerate the square of the speed of light, ie
300,000 miles per second. Recall that mass is defined as anything that
occupies a place in space.
Therefore, our body, to transform the food we eat, or the glucose molecule
or its derivative, pyruvate, energy, our body would need to possess the
necessary mechanisms to accelerate mass to the square of the speed of light.
Which is not possible or even conceivable, because in a volume of 2 to 7
cubic microns (the average volume of a cell), the body does not contain
elements anatomical or biochemical processes capable of achieving anything
even similar.
Thus, if you really our body obtain energy from glucose or its derivatives
would require an acceleration applied to molecules that lead to a speed of
900 000 km per second.
Thereby, glucose, magically; provides the energy required for its own
It is quite simple, if glucose was the energy source of the body, then,
metaphorically speaking, diabetics would fly.
The term human photosynthesis(TM) is to emphasize the huge resemblance to
the chemical sequence called photosynthesis in plants; and in them is a
series of chemical reactions in which "magically" CO2 is fused with the H2O
into glucose; process that could not be replicated in the laboratory to date
, and is represented as follows:
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 3O2
But the first reaction of photosynthesis in plants, the very first of all,
without which other consequential reactions can not occur is the
dissociation of the water molecule, and is represented as follows:
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
It is very interesting that the very first chemical reaction in plant life
and human is essentially the same, then the write down to more easily
distinguish the notable similarities and hitherto virtually unknown:
2H2O ↔ 2H2 + O2 + 4e- 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
The main similarity is that in both cases the substrate is the molecule of
water, also the products of both reactions are molecules of hydrogen and
oxygen, which is very important because hydrogen is the carrier of energy in
the entire universe, therefore no plants or humans may be different; and on
the other hand, molecular oxygen is extremely stable and toxic at any
concentration, hence plants expel it into the atmosphere.
The term 4e- means 4 high energy electrons, i.e. they are electron cloud
whose probability is more remote from the atomic nuclei in question to the
low energy electrons which are closer to the core. The high-energy electrons
also carry energy and are generated when the water molecule is reformed by
melanin same; somewhat unique in nature; a molecule which is able to
dissociate and reform water molecule.
Something very important is that chlorophyll irreversibly dissociates the
water molecule; but the melanin (human chlorophyll) is able to dissociate
and reform; and hence self-sustaining chemical processes are started and
eventually enter Darwinian evolution, ie: life itself.
As the origin of life, we can say that photosynthesis is the source of all
and each of the components of the human body, therefore it generates, shapes
them, sustains and governs from start to finish. Any structure or cellular
component appeared after, be it glucose, ATP, genes, nucleus, endoplasmic
reticulum, mitochondria, etc. The same could be said of the common
mechanisms of disease, such as inflammation, bleeding, angiogenesis;
fibrosis; mitosis,etc.
Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution. Our body has
four billion years of evolution since Australopithecus Afariensis (4 million
years approx.) And Lucy (2 million years) did not start from scratch; This
means that all previous evolution account. With the above we mean that our
body is very well done, is quasi-perfect, quasi-divine; knows his job very
well. It really should be surprised when they get sick. And this happens
when the photosynthesis level is diminished, remember that the ability to
start losing photosynthesis at age 26, about 10% each decade; 50s and then
enters free fall. But it also decreases with the cold, as in plants, also
with pesticides, herbicides; fertilizers, alcohol, iron supplements,
anesthetic agents, many drugs; sadness, stress; progress in age; etc.
Human Photosynthesis(TM) is a highly sensitive process that took place in a
pristine planet. When your "rhythm" decreases then comes the incalculable
systems: chaos. Our body is very complex, four billion years of evolution
are far from our capacity for abstraction and synthesis. We are not able to
make one hair. But the source body is amazingly simple: everything comes
from the cyclical energy and as such comes from melanin. As the energy
available is sufficient complex body systems work well; but when the
available energy is low, there will be demonstrations of one kind or another.
After 25 years of continuous clinical research we have learned that any
illness is only a manifestation of low level of photosynthesis or chemical
energy, starting because the name of it is irrelevant to the body.
When medically photosynthesis in human is intensified then our body gets the
balance between energy and biomass and start doing what you do and has made
billions of years. When we intensified the dissociation of the water
molecule by the administration QIAPI 1 sublingual drops; i.e, three drops
every two hours during day time, then the body gets the chemical balance and
start functioning properly.
Reference: Solís Herrera, A. The Human Photosynthesis, Infinity Publishing,
需要的基因挺多的, 我不想查了,没热情了。 颜宁说绿巨人就会光合作用,我这发现

【在 K**4 的大作中提到】
: PSI-BLASt都被你气哭了
: 你先查查光合作用需要什么基因再发表你的高论
