职业方向求建议 (转载)# DataSciences - 数据科学
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: mei2013 (婧), 信区: Parenting
标 题: 6岁(grade 1) 女孩受到Racist Language 攻击, 请大家帮忙
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 29 22:28:34 2013, 美东)
非常感谢大家的帮助, 也非常感谢lanfear为我修改email.刚刚找到了学校的Non-
Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Statement and Policy并且好好读了一下.根据学
"Anyone who believes that a student or staff member has possibly been or is
the victim of discrimination or harassment is encouraged to immediately
report the situation to an appropriate staff member such as a teacher,
counselor or administrator. Any employee who suspects discrimination or
harassment must report the behavior to his/her immediate superior"
policy link: http://policy.ccs.k12.in.us/policies/238
根据大家的意见和school policy,对谈话要点和email做的如下改动,
1, 首先表明this kind of racist language is unacceptable, it is very
offensive and disturbing.it has very bad impact and influence.we are very
worried and concerned.
2, make the point of we understand that Carmel Clay Schools are working hard
to maintain an education and work environment which is free from all forms
of discrimination and harassment
3, Discuss the non-discrimination school policy and the appropriate steps to
report and stop the harassment.
4, (removed)
email draft
Dear Mrs.XXX,
I hope you have a nice winter break and happy holidays.
Recently it came to my knowledge that my daughter has been subject to racial
discriminatory language and comment in school. A classmate of hers made
repeated offensive comment to her.
She was saying offensive language such as Chinese people are bad, Chinese
people are mean to my daughter almost everyday, and this is very disturbing
and make my daughter feel sad.
We understand that Carmel Clay Schools are working hard to maintain an
education and work environment which is free from all forms of
discrimination and harassment.We would really like to know how school
handles such incident. Please arrange an appointment so that we can talk
about this issue face to face. It would be very helpful if Mrs.YYY(Principal
) could attend as well.
大家好,首先祝大家节日愉快.我女儿现在小学一年级,性格外向, 喜欢交朋友,基本上和
谁都可以玩.寒假期间, 她无意中告诉我同桌的一个白人女孩老是对她说Chinese
people are bad, Chinese people are mean, they eat meat with germs.我问她这个
女孩是不是常常这么说, 她说almost everyday.女儿性格外向,这方面大大咧咧, 我问
她怎么回话的, 她说就是说this is not nice.
我觉得这个问题很严重, 打算给老师写信要求面对面谈谈,同时也希望校长参加这个面
1, 首先表明this kind of racist language is unacceptable, it is very
and disturbing.it has very bad impact and influence.we are very worried and
2, my daughter does not know how to defend herself and this kind of language
hurt her feelings and it might have very bad consequence.
3, what school can do to prevent this kind of racist behavior from happening
4, this girl need to apologize to my daughter and promise not to do this
again in written
Dear Mrs.XXX,
I hope you have a nice winter break and happy holidays, we had a very good
time with family and we really enjoy the holidays.
I happen to get to know that my daughter was attacked by racist language
almost everyday at school by her classmate S(first letter of the girl's name
). S is a girl and according to my daughter she was saying some very
offensive language to my daughter almost everyday. we are very concerned and
worried. so we would like to talk to you and get some advice.
Could you arrange an appointment so that we can talk about this issue face
to face? It would be very helpful if Mrs.YYY(Principal) could attend as well.
Best regards,
My Name and My wife's name
【 以下文字转载自 Statistics 讨论区 】
发信人: Yaoayao (Yaoayao), 信区: Statistics
标 题: 职业方向求建议
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 29 22:15:05 2014, 美东)
生物转统计master,年纪三十出头,现在在学校做biostat 绿卡估计还得等个两三年,
下来之后想要换工作。目前该往哪个方向准备? 我有点想part-time读个生统phd,去药
厂作biostatistician; 或者学点编程,将来转做data science 方向. 读phd的投入比
较大,三年左右估计只能把课修完, data science 目前还不是很了解,貌似比较容易
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