4 楼
update company='O''Brian xxx' where accountno=12345
sybase如何实现create table as (select *)testSQL StandardMysql如何限制返回数量并排序?Where to find ORACLE 9i的考试资料??如果比较两个table?再access里边[转载] Sybase/MS sql server interview questionsRe: 怎么让客户端得知和得到数据库修改的数据?Can I use array in SQL stored procedure?面试问题,关于oracle 8iWalmart's Data Warehousing两个列联合作Primary Key,还需要单独建index吗?How to reset lost root passwd in mysql.oracle8i在linux9的安装步骤(ZZ)[转载] Any experience with berkerley database?oracle能开多大的连接池?请问如何算出这个天数来Cannot connect to the mysql server insidHelp: stored procedure in oracle怎么让客户端得知和得到数据库修改的数据?