我记得hh 2% cc cashback每个calender year有$400的cap 那我怎么知道今年我拿了多少cashback? 账单上有这一项吗?
2 楼
父母去年9月一千悲剧,准备下个月二千 父母农民,我非独生子女,两个妹妹在国内都有稳定工作 觉得父母没有收入是硬伤 不过上次签证好像也没有什么问题 就问了你女儿在哪里,你们主要做什么 其实都很简单,就杯具了。据我妈说前后不到1分钟 我猜测可能是父母不会说普通话,跟签证官互动不好,还有就是没有收入。 这次填160,不知道该如何回答这个问题 Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa, been refused admission to the United States, or withdrawn your application for admission at the point of entry? explain if Yes 准备的答案如下 i did not know the reason exactly. possibly because i did not speak standard mandarin well and led to the misunderstanding between the visa officer and me. 大家帮忙看看这样回答合适吗,或者有啥好点的建议请指教 先谢了,也祝大家春节快乐!