很多同学的动手能力很强,希望可以DIY PERM。根据我个人的经验,PERM是最不适合
今天跟同学们聊一下PERM里面的周日广告。以下内容纯属讨论,不涉及LEGAL ADVICE。
你需要改变策略,只要不涉及JOB TITLE和主要DUTIES,这个广告也都可以用。
好比咱们MITBBS招灌水员在BOSTON, MA。这个PERM广告可以这么这么写:
MITBBS, a leading information exchange electronic board, has an openning in
Boston, MA for a Professional Chatter to lead the chatting experience of end
users. Send resume to MITBBS, 12345 MITBBS Street, Boston, MA 12345 (Attn.
有关法律看这里:20 CFR 656.17 (f)
(f) Advertising requirements. Advertisements placed in newspapers of general
circulation or in professional journals before filing the Application for
Permanent Employment Certification must:
(1) Name the employer;
(2) Direct applicants to report or send resumes, as appropriate for the
occupation, to the employer;
(3) Provide a description of the vacancy specific enough to apprise the U.S.
workers of the job opportunity for which certification is sought;
(4) Indicate the geographic area of employment with enough specificity to
apprise applicants of any travel requirements and where applicants will
likely have to reside to perform the job opportunity;
(5) Not contain a wage rate lower than the prevailing wage rate;
(6) Not contain any job requirements or duties which exceed the job
requirements or duties listed on the ETA Form 9089; and
(7) Not contain wages or terms and conditions of employment that are less
favorable than those offered to the alien.