尽管知道共和党是拿“合法移民”当挡箭牌# EB23 - 劳工卡
1 楼
前天的面试,今天系主任发了信(如下)。这个算准offer,还是算进short list了?
Dear xxx,
Thank you for taking the time to visit xxx to interview for the xxx faculty
Following interviews, I gather feedback from faculty about the candidate. I
then contact candidates that attract sufficient enthusiasm to start the
process of developing a startup list. I am very pleased to let you know that
you have moved to the next phase of this process.
The final decision on offers is made following full evaluation of all
candidates at a faculty meeting. Having this early negotiation process
started means that we can move faster on an offer as needed. I anticipate
extending offers in late November/December.
In order to determine a start-up package for your offer, I need to know what
you will need to get your research program up and running. It would be
helpful if you could work on putting together an itemized list of your start
-up needs. I have attached a template that you can work from, if that is
Startup costs can include lab equipment and supplies, processing (e.g.
sequencing), personnel costs (summer salary for you, salary for graduate
students, postdocs, lab staff), travel, renovation and moving costs. Please
get estimated costs for any items you can. I will provide estimated costs
for personnel if you can just indicate who you anticipate needing. We can
determine any needed renovations after your second visit.
The expectation is that new faculty will receive a federal grant by their
third year, which will be used to support personnel. So we cannot extend
personnel costs beyond the first 2 years. Other expenses can extend into
year 3.
Keep in mind that this is an estimated summary of what you will need to get
your program up and running. It is not a contract. You will receive a lump
sum of money and can spend this as you see fit, including re-budgeting if
you receive a grant in your first year or two.
This list will not be shared with the Search Committee nor considered as we
determine offers. It is simply to allow me to negotiate the strongest offer
I can.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Dear xxx,
Thank you for taking the time to visit xxx to interview for the xxx faculty
Following interviews, I gather feedback from faculty about the candidate. I
then contact candidates that attract sufficient enthusiasm to start the
process of developing a startup list. I am very pleased to let you know that
you have moved to the next phase of this process.
The final decision on offers is made following full evaluation of all
candidates at a faculty meeting. Having this early negotiation process
started means that we can move faster on an offer as needed. I anticipate
extending offers in late November/December.
In order to determine a start-up package for your offer, I need to know what
you will need to get your research program up and running. It would be
helpful if you could work on putting together an itemized list of your start
-up needs. I have attached a template that you can work from, if that is
Startup costs can include lab equipment and supplies, processing (e.g.
sequencing), personnel costs (summer salary for you, salary for graduate
students, postdocs, lab staff), travel, renovation and moving costs. Please
get estimated costs for any items you can. I will provide estimated costs
for personnel if you can just indicate who you anticipate needing. We can
determine any needed renovations after your second visit.
The expectation is that new faculty will receive a federal grant by their
third year, which will be used to support personnel. So we cannot extend
personnel costs beyond the first 2 years. Other expenses can extend into
year 3.
Keep in mind that this is an estimated summary of what you will need to get
your program up and running. It is not a contract. You will receive a lump
sum of money and can spend this as you see fit, including re-budgeting if
you receive a grant in your first year or two.
This list will not be shared with the Search Committee nor considered as we
determine offers. It is simply to allow me to negotiate the strongest offer
I can.
Please let me know if you have any questions.