贡献:I140编辑信以及模板# EB23 - 劳工卡
我的情况是 I140 递交前没要到编辑推荐信,侥幸投递 140, PP,不幸中镖,差点倒
下:NOID 30 天时间补充证明。背水一战,终于成功。目前 comb已批,绿卡在即,工

My name is ~~~ a postdoctoral researcher at Oak Ridge National
Lab in the USA, and my supervisor is~~. I just became a reviewer for *Org.
Lett.* since Dec. 2012. I am writing in wondering would you please be
kindly writing me a support letter for my USA Green Card application? This
letter is *VERY *important to avoid the *DENY *of my application. Your
letter would be used to claim the top level of *Org.
Lett.*, the criteria for selecting reviewers and that I was selected as a
reviewer is because of my sustained national or international acclaim.
Though my "Original significant contribution and Publication" have
beenjudged as in the top level, my reviewing claim was questioned by USCIS
for insufficient evidence to *set the beneficiary's apart from others in his
I have being working in the field of supramolecular chemistry-anion
recognition. During the past 5 years, I have published 23 articles with 431
citations. My papers include 2 Angew. Chem., 3 Chem. Commun. and 2 Org. Lett
. (please see the attached CV for detail).
I appreciate it very greatly if you could find time to do such a support.
It would possibly save back my half a year's effort for preparing this
application. I understand that you must be very busy, so will send you the
draft letter.
For your convenience, I have attached my CV and four representative
papers. Thanks very much for your time and I look forward to your reply.
With best regards,
I am providing this letter to confirm that our journal, has
established two articles by Dr. ~~:
Org. Lett., 2012, ~~ and
Org. Lett., 2010, ~~
Based on his expertise in the field of his endeavor, Dr.~~
has been invited as a reviewer of our journal.
Our journal is peer reviewed and has an international Editorial Board.
Our Impact Factor (as calculated by the Institute of Scientific Information)
ranks us as highest among communication journals in organic chemistry. We
focus on publishing the works of leading sciences who has made unique
contributions to the field.
To ensure the high quality of the papers published in Org. Lett.,
reviewers are only selected from leading scientists in related fields. Dr.
~~ has been invited as a reviewer of our journal is because of his leading
expertise in the field of Anion Recognition.
Our editor and reviewers are conservative in assessing the significance
of research efforts. Currently, approximately 50% of submitted papers are
Thanks for your time and your kindness. Your nice letter has gave me a great
encourage in handling the tough challenge! It has also gave me a hope to
continue my academic dreams in America!
With best regards,