NIW RFE 求助# EB23 - 劳工卡
6个月收到结果 PRONG2 "The record does not establish that the benefits of
your proposed employment will be national in scope
because it is not evident exactly what day-to-day duties you would be
performing in the United States
or that your intended employment is realistic. Please submit a more detailed
description of your plans
and how you intend to execute them. Provide additional evidence to establish
whether you intend to
seek an employer or if you have the personal funds and/or investors to
establish your own business. If
it is the former. please submit any documentary evidence of interest from
potential employer. While a
specific job offer is not required, the evidence must establish that you
have reasonable job prospects
the United States."
我看得不是很明白,这个需要什么证据来证明一个computer researcher 有reasonable
job prospects
the United States?
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