楼主背景: PKU EE MS + BS(embedded system) USA MS,目前phd,已quit,老板愿意签CPT 主要的project experience: 1:System Design for ARM9 Processor (1) Minimum system design including on-board RAM and Flash interface, audio peripheral circuit design using I2S control; schematic and 8-layer PCB layout; hardware system integration and debug (2) Linux kernel transplantation; audio data compression algorithm implementation for Voice over IP (VoIP); application software development with graphic user interface (GUI) using QT 2: System Design for TI C6000 DSP TMS320DM642 (1) Minimum system design including on-board RAM and Flash interface, video input/output module design; schematic and 8-layer PCB layout; hardware system integration and debug (2) Software framework construction and configuration based on TI DSP/BIOS; TCP/IP stack and MPEG-2 video decoder implementation based on TI Reference Framework 1,2的产品曾经在国内有卖,但后来那公司改行做房地产了。。。 3:System Design for Implantable Neural Stimulator Wireless power and data telemetry design using inductive link; power and data link modeling and optimization using self developed Matlab software; system performance measurement for efficiency of power link, and BER of data link 3在NSF的site visit上由楼主向reviewer展示过working prototype 4:FPGA design: Modified AES algorithm design based on random masking, RTL verification and hardware prototype using Xilinx FPGA 楼主对C,MATLAB,Linux programming, Verilog,Cadence都熟 电路分析,数字通信原理,以及computer architecture这些基本的东西也都明白 对实验仪器,诸如signal generator, oscope, logic analyzer, impedance analyzer 这些都极熟 总而言之,我应该算是个合格的system/application engineer吧。。。 楼主的状况是这样的:lz现在在boston,老婆也在boston念phd,有一个8个月的小胖宝 宝,所以楼主想尽量留在boston附近找。3个礼拜前投了大boston地区的几家公司, qualcomm,EMC,XILINX, Bose之类的,还有几家中小公司,基本上都没找到内推(除 了qualcomm和XILINX),目前也都没消息,希望版上的xdjm,知道有合适职位的,能帮 我内推一下,站内联系。