Let's discuss refereeing in economics
Let's discuss refereeing in economics# Economics - 经济
Sorry I do not know how to type Chinese.
Let's discuss something about the referee process, such as the following:
Why are you picked as a referee?
Why do you want to recommend to accept or reject a paper?
Are the referee reports you got good quality?
For my personal experience, I just refereed an article. The editor asked me to
do that as he knows me personally. I recommended the paper to be rejected as
the contribution of that paper is not significant.
I know one interesting book about this.
Shepherd, G.B., ed. 1995. Rejected: Leading Economists Ponder the Publication
Process. Sun Lakes, AZ: Thomas Horton and Daughters.
George Shepherd, an economist-lawyer and the son of industrial organization
economist William Shepherd, invited over 120 leading economists to relate
stories of publishing successes-- and failures. Both entertaining and
informative, this volume provides solace and hope to researchers/authors,
especially new ones, and helps thic

【在 s*****s 的大作中提到】
: Sorry I do not know how to type Chinese.
: Let's discuss something about the referee process, such as the following:
: Why are you picked as a referee?
: Why do you want to recommend to accept or reject a paper?
: Are the referee reports you got good quality?
: For my personal experience, I just refereed an article. The editor asked me to
: do that as he knows me personally. I recommended the paper to be rejected as
: the contribution of that paper is not significant.
