Trump没在nsf budget上玩行为艺术
Trump没在nsf budget上玩行为艺术# Faculty - 发考题
The National Science Foundation (NSF) would receive $7.5 billion in 2019,
keeping its funding flat compared to the 2017 level. But that figure
includes $2.2 billion that the White House added to its NSF proposal at the
last minute, after Congress agreed on 8 February to lift mandatory spending
caps for fiscal years 2018 and 2019. Trump’s original 2019 plan for NSF
would have slashed the agency's budget by nearly 30%, to $5.3 billion.
The White House says that the extra $2.2 billion would support basic
scientific research, education programmes, upgrades to research facilities
in Antarctica and elsewhere, and two new, unspecified cross-disciplinary
research activities. But it has not provided a detailed explanation of how
that money would be spread across various programmes.
Trump’s modified proposal for 2019 would boost spending across the NSF’s 7
research directorates by 2%, to $6.15 billion. The original plan proposed
cutting funding for that account by about 30%, to $4.23 billion, compared to
the 2017 level of $6.01 billion. The Office of Polar Programs would have
seen the smallest reduction — about 27%, to $342 million. The agency’s
Office of Integrative Activities, which supports cross-disciplinary research
, would have seen the largest cut. Its budget would have been slashed by
nearly 38%, to $262 million.
The revised budget also proposes a 56% cut to the NSF account that supports
the construction of research platforms and the acquisition of scientific
instrumentation, including the agency’s suite of telescopes. That would
reduce its funding from $215 million in 2017 to $95 million in 2019.