http://www.cosmeticamerica.com可信么# Fashion - 美丽时尚
1 楼
今年十月份转H4,前段时间申请了H4 COS和EAD,目前正在工作,并且怀孕状态,十一
我上周以上述理由加急,现在收到回复让我提供addition information。 ob会给我提
供letter, 但是proof of severe financial loss 一般大家都提供什么? 需要HR出
示什么材料吗,我本来想提供pay check(证明我有工作)和我们公司的maternity
benefit document,不知道这样够不够?求助!谢谢!
Please fax documentation to support your request for expeditious handling (
such as a letter from your physician explaining your condition; as well as
proof of severe financial loss to you) to the attention of WS13422 at (949)
389-3441, and return a copy of this letter with your response.
我上周以上述理由加急,现在收到回复让我提供addition information。 ob会给我提
供letter, 但是proof of severe financial loss 一般大家都提供什么? 需要HR出
示什么材料吗,我本来想提供pay check(证明我有工作)和我们公司的maternity
benefit document,不知道这样够不够?求助!谢谢!
Please fax documentation to support your request for expeditious handling (
such as a letter from your physician explaining your condition; as well as
proof of severe financial loss to you) to the attention of WS13422 at (949)
389-3441, and return a copy of this letter with your response.