简介请见http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Immigration/32702511.html EB1B 申请详解1 —— DIY和签字请见http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Immigration/32702881.html EB1B 申请详解 2 —— EB1B AAO判例关键点请见http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Immigration/32702889.html USCIS memo里明确提出“the alien is recognized internationally as outstanding in a particular academic field”而且提出申请人只需要在这个particular academic field里outstanding 就可以,不需要和别的领域或者更大范围领域的研究者做比较。 那么界定自己的特定领域就很重要。可能跨领域或者往子领域界定可能比较有利。我有 个朋友经济学出身,在medical school工作,他把自己定义为epidemiologist,EB1B申 请直接被拒,IO在denial letter里直接把他和public health的研究者做文章发表和引 用的比较,认为连普通研究者的水平都达不到。如果他当时把自己界定成 Health economist 之类,估计会好很多。然后他再进一步把自己的研究领域界定到比如儿童癌 症研究之类的,估计他就可以称自己是这一方面的少有的专家了。最终你是要和自己界 定领域的其他研究者做比较来得出自己的优秀,因此一定要多花心思看自己是哪个小领 域的奇才。虽然大家经常嘲笑IO没什么文化水平,但我觉得这些人肯定对各个大的领域 有基本常识,知道比如生化、公卫等专业的文章数量和引用非常高。如果你界定的领域 比较特别,那只要能提供相应的证据,IO不应该有先入为主的错误判断。 下面我先来说说petition letter。具体claim的内容,以后再详解。 Petition letter一般有两种版本,一种是版上流行的包含大量图表版本,另一种是律 师的版本。版上流行的版本,大家随便搜一下就可以收到很多,这种做的非常细,包含 大量的图和表,比如版上流行的油灯图,甚至各种饼图棒图。而律师的版本(我从朋友 那里求来的)一般更像是细节化的exhibit list,大体上就是在公式化的petition letter 上罗列所claim的几点,具体内容指向indexed supporting documents,并且大 量引用推荐信中的内容。 我自己对上面两中版本都不是很满意。Petition letter 的目的就是为了向IO清楚地展 示你怎么样符合EB1B的要求。我猜测IO的工作应该算作是administration 的类型,做 IO工作的人如果上过大学,应该是文科出身的人比较多。对受国内教育的人,特别是对 高学历的理工科同学来说,图表好像是很一目了然的表达方式。虽然我所就读的本科文 科专业要求比较高,四年中从高等数学一直学到数理统计,但我一看见大片大片的图表 还是很头疼。以我对美国大学教育的了解,大部分文科学生最多接触到统计的皮毛,根 本没有能力解读眼花燎燃的图表。我觉得可能平实的语言描述更不挑战这些IO们的智商。 而律师的版本虽然看似脉络清晰,但更像是有骨架没有肉。这也可以理解,毕竟律师不 可能非常了解各行各业非常专业的知识,而且这种做法省时省力。IO第一眼看过这种版 本之后的印象可能就是有个初略的感觉。如果他想具体了解,就需要花费力气找到 supporting documents 来看petitioner提供的证据是不是能证明所claim的内容。这种 做法可能对条件比较好的申请人来说,毫无问题。比如overwhelming的文章数和引用率 (至少几百几千),文章发表在Science、Nature之类的top journal上等等。前一阵不 也有一位同学的律师简单列了4页的list也顺利通过了吗?但他本人回想起来似乎也也 心惊胆战的。但如果申请人的条件并不是特别突出,一般IO的first impression 形成 ,就很难改变。有可能IO们根本没有大量时间来从supporting documents里求证,所以 造成很多同学认为的IO并没有认真看petition letter的印象。 简而言之,petition letter 就是让IO看过之后知道申请人是干什么的,而且在他所在 的圈子里干得非常好。最终我决定用律师的框架,并加入更多的专业细节,但不用图表 ,而是纯用语言描述。而且很少使用夸奖的言辞,基本上是有理有据的叙述,把判断留 给IO。最终版本里没有大家常用的图表,只有一个从发表文章里转载过来的图来说明 contribution所介绍的研究。比如大家常用的引用对比表、所发表文章杂志的排名表之 类的都作为了exhibit。这些内容在petition letter里就是用语言描述,比如申请人所 发表文章的引用是同专业领域内研究者所发表文章的引用的XX倍,后面指向exhibit XX 。最后petition letter 共计13页。我也没有用很多的黑体和下划线,因为太多了反而 突出不了重点。我一般只在每一段的第一句上画黑了关键字,比如Dr. X is the first XXX。 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 下面是我写的petition letter 的框架。 [insert letter head] Xx xx, 2012 USCIS Texas Service Center 4141 North St. Augustine Road Dallas, TX 75227 Re: Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker (Form I-140) / EB-1 Outstanding Professor Petitioner: 单位名 Beneficiary: 申请人名, Ph.D. Dear Sir/Madam: This letter is submitted in support of the I-140 immigrant petition filed by 单位名 on behalf of Dr. XX(申请人名) for classification in the first preference employment-based (EB-1) immigrant visa category as an outstanding professor. Dr. XX is currently employed by 单位名 as a full-time tenure- track Assistant Professor in the Department of XXX. As the evidence in this letter will demonstrate, Dr. XX is recognized internationally as outstanding in the scientific field of XXX (专业领域) and satisfies four (4) of the six (6) criteria established by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for qualification as an outstanding professor. I. INTRODUCTION (简单介绍申请人情况,突出最outstanding 和最吸引眼球的方面) Dr. XX is a renowned professor who is recognized internationally for his groundbreaking research in the field of XXX. His areas of expertise include XX, XX, and XX. Specifically, Dr. XX’s research focuses on 概括介绍研究,最好突出特点 With his substantive training in XX and expertise in XX, Dr. XX has made major breakthroughs in XXXX. His most recent research on XXX 这一段挑最有彩 的内容叙述一下,比如取得了重大突破,某方面的研究被媒体广泛报道。 As will be demonstrated in this letter, Dr. XX qualifies as an outstanding professor for his scientific achievements in XXX. He satisfies four (4) of the six (6) criteria established by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for qualification as an outstanding professor: First, Dr. XX’s research has been the subject of a significant number of published materials written by others in XX languages from over XX countries. Second, Dr. XX has made significant and unique contributions to various areas relevant to XX, including XX, XX, and XX. Third, Dr. XX’s research has resulted in at least XX articles published or forthcoming in highly respected and refereed scholarly journals that are distributed internationally, and XX citations to his work. Finally, Dr. XX has frequently served as an expert reviewer for numerous top international journals and his expertise is well appreciated by the editors of these top journals. The information presented in this letter and in the supporting documents clearly establishes that Dr. XX is an outstanding professor who is recognized internationally for his original work in the field of XXX. II. INFORMATION ABOUT 单位名 这一部分介绍单位情况。 III. DR. XX MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALIFICATION AS AN OUTSTANDING PROFESSOR Dr. XX meets the requirements set forth in 8 C.F.R. § 204.5 for qualification as an Outstanding Professor in the first priority worker visa category. He is recognized internationally as outstanding in the field of XXX and has earned wide acclaim for his expertise in the areas of XX, XX, and XX. A. DR. XX HAS MORE THAN XX YEARS OF RESEARCH EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD OF XX 这里介绍你的教育背景以及研究经历 (exhibit: diploma, cv) B. DR. XX IS CURRENTLY A FULL-TIME TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF XX AT XX 第一段介绍在现单位的情况 ( exhibit: job offer letter, employment verification letter)
第二段介绍和身份有关的情况 (exhibit: h1b, I-94) C. EVIDENCE OF DR. XX’S INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION AS OUTSTANDING IN THE FIELD OF XX Dr. XX satisfies four (4) of the six (6) criteria established by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for qualification as an outstanding professor, as evidenced below. 1. Published Material in Professional Publications Written by Others about Dr. XX’s Work in the Academic Field 2. Evidence of Dr. XX’s Original Scientific or Scholarly Contributions to the Academic Field Dr. XX has made significant contributions to various areas relevant to XX, as attested by world’s leading experts [Exhibit X]. Here is a brief summary of his major accomplishments. 罗列具体的contribution一、二、三。 • 3. Evidence of Authorship of Scholarly Articles in Scholarly Journals with International Circulation in Various Areas Relevant to XX 4. Evidence of Dr. XX’s Participation as the Judge of the Work of Others in the Same or an Allied Academic field IV. CONCLUSION As demonstrated in this letter and in the supporting documents, Dr. XX meets the requirements set forth in 8 C.F.R. § 204.5 for qualification as an Outstanding Professor in the first priority worker visa category. Dr. XX has more than X (X) years of research experience in the field of XX; he is currently holding a full-time tenure-track position as Assistant Professor in the Department of XX at XX; and he satisfies four (4) of the six (6) criteria established by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for qualification as an outstanding professor and is indeed recognized internationally as outstanding in the field of XX. Dr. XX has been a valuable member of XX. He has helped XX to gain greater national and international recognition through his outstanding research accomplishments. Dr. XX’s permanent residence in the United States will continue to benefit not only XX but also the United States. It is no doubt that the United States depends on outstanding professors and researchers like Dr. XX to maintain its world-leading position in scientific research and innovation. Finally, we confirm that XX continues to offer Dr. XX a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor in the Department of XX. This position will continue to be available to him, subject to USCIS approval and the availability of a visa, at an annual salary of XX. We also confirm that XX has the financial ability to do so. We respectfully request that you approve our I-140 petition on behalf of Dr. XX for classification in the first preference employment-based (EB-1) immigrant visa category as an outstanding professor. Thank you very much. Sincerely, 签字 人名