Eb1b 被0214 NOID after PP# Immigration - 落地生根
1 楼
还是决定垂死挣扎一下。。。虽然是0214, 虽然是NOID, 虽然自己背景也不咋的。。。
1. 公司指定的律所是吃货,我放任自流,我活该。。。。看到petition letter后,我
就跟人说 my takeaway is "reject me, please". 如果工作上有这种文件,我肯定不
会let it go through. 哭啊,我工作一大部分是review documents and write
regulatory dossiers. 做一个regulatory filing updates, 字斟句作, 自己的东西
2. Eb1b 还是一定要自己上心啊,要全力以赴。 除非很强的case,其他的还是自己把关
,提前自己找律师作为second opinion也好。
拿到NOID后,公司指定的律师们强烈建议马上PERM, 跟HR一起打电话的时候说the visa
officer is harsh and he overlooked xxxx, 我回头跟HR强烈抗议,“he
overlooked exactly because the evidence is embedded in the long and poorly
organized letter, you can't expect them to do you a favor to dig it out". 然
后罗列律师罪: slow turnaround time/over-promise; lack of strategical
planning; making obvious mistakes in critical legal documents; unmet
expected skills to organize/present evidence and to structure contents. Each
comes with documented evidence... 我当初准备的时候咋不这样啊!!!事后抱怨
公司说不能用自己的律师,让那律所head of immigration practice来handle. 我说,
that's not gonna make a fundamental change...还是中国人的靠谱。我找了自己觉
的不错的,公司答应I have final "editorial power". 大公司改花的不花,不改花的
乱花,说我们马上同时进行PERM, 如果那批了再撤。也就差一个月的时间,我还没那时
间改job description for labor certificate...
美国政府真像,RFE from USCIS = IR (information request) from FDA
1. 公司指定的律所是吃货,我放任自流,我活该。。。。看到petition letter后,我
就跟人说 my takeaway is "reject me, please". 如果工作上有这种文件,我肯定不
会let it go through. 哭啊,我工作一大部分是review documents and write
regulatory dossiers. 做一个regulatory filing updates, 字斟句作, 自己的东西
2. Eb1b 还是一定要自己上心啊,要全力以赴。 除非很强的case,其他的还是自己把关
,提前自己找律师作为second opinion也好。
拿到NOID后,公司指定的律师们强烈建议马上PERM, 跟HR一起打电话的时候说the visa
officer is harsh and he overlooked xxxx, 我回头跟HR强烈抗议,“he
overlooked exactly because the evidence is embedded in the long and poorly
organized letter, you can't expect them to do you a favor to dig it out". 然
后罗列律师罪: slow turnaround time/over-promise; lack of strategical
planning; making obvious mistakes in critical legal documents; unmet
expected skills to organize/present evidence and to structure contents. Each
comes with documented evidence... 我当初准备的时候咋不这样啊!!!事后抱怨
公司说不能用自己的律师,让那律所head of immigration practice来handle. 我说,
that's not gonna make a fundamental change...还是中国人的靠谱。我找了自己觉
的不错的,公司答应I have final "editorial power". 大公司改花的不花,不改花的
乱花,说我们马上同时进行PERM, 如果那批了再撤。也就差一个月的时间,我还没那时
间改job description for labor certificate...
美国政府真像,RFE from USCIS = IR (information request) from FDA